
const Alpha

const Beta

const GA

const Deprecated

type prerelease

type Feature

type FeatureSpec

type Gates

type Registry

// FeatureGates returns the feature gates exposed by this library.
// By default, only the default features gates will be returned.
// The default implementation allows controlling the features
// via environmental variables.
// For example, if you have a feature named "MyFeature"
// setting an environmental variable "KUBE_FEATURE_MyFeature"
// will allow you to configure the state of that feature.
// Please note that the actual set of the feature gates
// might be overwritten by calling ReplaceFeatureGates method.
func FeatureGates() Gates {}

// AddFeaturesToExistingFeatureGates adds the default feature gates to the provided registry.
// Usually this function is combined with ReplaceFeatureGates to take control of the
// features exposed by this library.
func AddFeaturesToExistingFeatureGates(registry Registry) error {}

// ReplaceFeatureGates overwrites the default implementation of the feature gates
// used by this library.
// Useful for binaries that would like to have full control of the features
// exposed by this library, such as allowing consumers of a binary
// to interact with the features via a command line flag.
// For example:
//	// first, register client-go's features to your registry.
//	clientgofeaturegate.AddFeaturesToExistingFeatureGates(utilfeature.DefaultMutableFeatureGate)
//	// then replace client-go's feature gates implementation with your implementation
//	clientgofeaturegate.ReplaceFeatureGates(utilfeature.DefaultMutableFeatureGate)
func ReplaceFeatureGates(newFeatureGates Gates) {}

func replaceFeatureGatesWithWarningIndicator(newFeatureGates Gates) bool {}

func init() {}

type featureGatesWrapper

var featureGates

var TestOnlyFeatureGates

type testOnlyFeatureGates

func (t *testOnlyFeatureGates) Enabled(feature Feature) bool {}

func (t *testOnlyFeatureGates) Set(feature Feature, enabled bool) error {}