
const DefaultQPS

const DefaultBurst

var ErrNotInCluster

type Config

var _

var _

type sanitizedConfig

type sanitizedAuthConfigPersister

func (sanitizedAuthConfigPersister) GoString() string {}

func (sanitizedAuthConfigPersister) String() string {}

type sanitizedObject

func (sanitizedObject) GoString() string {}

func (sanitizedObject) String() string {}

// GoString implements fmt.GoStringer and sanitizes sensitive fields of Config
// to prevent accidental leaking via logs.
func (c *Config) GoString() string {}

// String implements fmt.Stringer and sanitizes sensitive fields of Config to
// prevent accidental leaking via logs.
func (c *Config) String() string {}

type ImpersonationConfig

type TLSClientConfig

var _

var _

type sanitizedTLSClientConfig

// GoString implements fmt.GoStringer and sanitizes sensitive fields of
// TLSClientConfig to prevent accidental leaking via logs.
func (c TLSClientConfig) GoString() string {}

// String implements fmt.Stringer and sanitizes sensitive fields of
// TLSClientConfig to prevent accidental leaking via logs.
func (c TLSClientConfig) String() string {}

type ContentConfig

// RESTClientFor returns a RESTClient that satisfies the requested attributes on a client Config
// object. Note that a RESTClient may require fields that are optional when initializing a Client.
// A RESTClient created by this method is generic - it expects to operate on an API that follows
// the Kubernetes conventions, but may not be the Kubernetes API.
// RESTClientFor is equivalent to calling RESTClientForConfigAndClient(config, httpClient),
// where httpClient was generated with HTTPClientFor(config).
func RESTClientFor(config *Config) (*RESTClient, error) {}

// RESTClientForConfigAndClient returns a RESTClient that satisfies the requested attributes on a
// client Config object.
// Unlike RESTClientFor, RESTClientForConfigAndClient allows to pass an http.Client that is shared
// between all the API Groups and Versions.
// Note that the http client takes precedence over the transport values configured.
// The http client defaults to the `http.DefaultClient` if nil.
func RESTClientForConfigAndClient(config *Config, httpClient *http.Client) (*RESTClient, error) {}

// UnversionedRESTClientFor is the same as RESTClientFor, except that it allows
// the config.Version to be empty.
func UnversionedRESTClientFor(config *Config) (*RESTClient, error) {}

// UnversionedRESTClientForConfigAndClient is the same as RESTClientForConfigAndClient,
// except that it allows the config.Version to be empty.
func UnversionedRESTClientForConfigAndClient(config *Config, httpClient *http.Client) (*RESTClient, error) {}

// SetKubernetesDefaults sets default values on the provided client config for accessing the
// Kubernetes API or returns an error if any of the defaults are impossible or invalid.
func SetKubernetesDefaults(config *Config) error {}

// adjustCommit returns sufficient significant figures of the commit's git hash.
func adjustCommit(c string) string {}

// adjustVersion strips "alpha", "beta", etc. from version in form
// major.minor.patch-[alpha|beta|etc].
func adjustVersion(v string) string {}

// adjustCommand returns the last component of the
// OS-specific command path for use in User-Agent.
func adjustCommand(p string) string {}

// buildUserAgent builds a User-Agent string from given args.
func buildUserAgent(command, version, os, arch, commit string) string {}

// DefaultKubernetesUserAgent returns a User-Agent string built from static global vars.
func DefaultKubernetesUserAgent() string {}

// InClusterConfig returns a config object which uses the service account
// kubernetes gives to pods. It's intended for clients that expect to be
// running inside a pod running on kubernetes. It will return ErrNotInCluster
// if called from a process not running in a kubernetes environment.
func InClusterConfig() (*Config, error) {}

// IsConfigTransportTLS returns true if and only if the provided
// config will result in a protected connection to the server when it
// is passed to restclient.RESTClientFor().  Use to determine when to
// send credentials over the wire.
// Note: the Insecure flag is ignored when testing for this value, so MITM attacks are
// still possible.
func IsConfigTransportTLS(config Config) bool {}

// LoadTLSFiles copies the data from the CertFile, KeyFile, and CAFile fields into the CertData,
// KeyData, and CAFile fields, or returns an error. If no error is returned, all three fields are
// either populated or were empty to start.
func LoadTLSFiles(c *Config) error {}

// dataFromSliceOrFile returns data from the slice (if non-empty), or from the file,
// or an error if an error occurred reading the file
func dataFromSliceOrFile(data []byte, file string) ([]byte, error) {}

func AddUserAgent(config *Config, userAgent string) *Config {}

// AnonymousClientConfig returns a copy of the given config with all user credentials (cert/key, bearer token, and username/password) and custom transports (WrapTransport, Transport) removed
func AnonymousClientConfig(config *Config) *Config {}

// CopyConfig returns a copy of the given config
func CopyConfig(config *Config) *Config {}