
type IsRetryableErrorFunc

func (r IsRetryableErrorFunc) IsErrorRetryable(request *http.Request, err error) bool {}

var neverRetryError

type WithRetry

type RetryAfter

type withRetry

func (r *withRetry) trackPreviousError(err error) {}

func (r *withRetry) IsNextRetry(ctx context.Context, restReq *Request, httpReq *http.Request, resp *http.Response, err error, f IsRetryableErrorFunc) bool {}

func (r *withRetry) Before(ctx context.Context, request *Request) error {}

func (r *withRetry) After(ctx context.Context, request *Request, resp *http.Response, err error) {}

func (r *withRetry) WrapPreviousError(currentErr error) error {}

type wrapPreviousError

func (w *wrapPreviousError) Unwrap() error {}

func (w *wrapPreviousError) Error() string {}

// checkWait returns true along with a number of seconds if
// the server instructed us to wait before retrying.
func checkWait(resp *http.Response) (int, bool) {}

func getRetryReason(retries, seconds int, resp *http.Response, err error) string {}

func readAndCloseResponseBody(resp *http.Response) {}

func retryAfterResponse() *http.Response {}

func retryAfterResponseWithDelay(delay string) *http.Response {}

func retryAfterResponseWithCodeAndDelay(code int, delay string) *http.Response {}