
var scaleConverter

var codecs

var parameterScheme

var dynamicParameterCodec

var versionV1

func init() {}

type scaleClient

// NewForConfig creates a new ScalesGetter which resolves kinds
// to resources using the given RESTMapper, and API paths using
// the given dynamic.APIPathResolverFunc.
func NewForConfig(cfg *restclient.Config, mapper PreferredResourceMapper, resolver dynamic.APIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver ScaleKindResolver) (ScalesGetter, error) {}

// New creates a new ScalesGetter using the given client to make requests.
// The GroupVersion on the client is ignored.
func New(baseClient restclient.Interface, mapper PreferredResourceMapper, resolver dynamic.APIPathResolverFunc, scaleKindResolver ScaleKindResolver) ScalesGetter {}

// apiPathFor returns the absolute api path for the given GroupVersion
func (c *scaleClient) apiPathFor(groupVer schema.GroupVersion) string {}

// pathAndVersionFor returns the appropriate base path and the associated full GroupVersionResource
// for the given GroupResource
func (c *scaleClient) pathAndVersionFor(resource schema.GroupResource) (string, schema.GroupVersionResource, error) {}

type namespacedScaleClient

// convertToScale converts the response body to autoscaling/v1.Scale
func convertToScale(result *restclient.Result) (*autoscaling.Scale, error) {}

func (c *scaleClient) Scales(namespace string) ScaleInterface {}

func (c *namespacedScaleClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resource schema.GroupResource, name string, opts metav1.GetOptions) (*autoscaling.Scale, error) {}

func (c *namespacedScaleClient) Update(ctx context.Context, resource schema.GroupResource, scale *autoscaling.Scale, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) (*autoscaling.Scale, error) {}

func (c *namespacedScaleClient) Patch(ctx context.Context, gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, name string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, opts metav1.PatchOptions) (*autoscaling.Scale, error) {}