
type CommandBuilder

func NewBuilder() *CommandBuilder {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) SetOptions(options *options.CloudControllerManagerOptions) {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) AddFlags(additionalFlags cliflag.NamedFlagSets) {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) RegisterController(name string, constructor ControllerInitFuncConstructor, aliases map[string]string) {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) RegisterDefaultControllers() {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) RegisterWebhook(name string, config WebhookConfig) {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) SetCloudInitializer(cloudInitializer InitCloudFunc) {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) SetStopChannel(stopCh <-chan struct{}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) SetCmdName(name string) {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) SetLongDesc(long string) {}

// SetProviderDefaults can be called to change the default values for some
// options when a flag is not set
func (cb *CommandBuilder) SetProviderDefaults(defaults options.ProviderDefaults) {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) setdefaults() {}

func (cb *CommandBuilder) BuildCommand() *cobra.Command {}