
type Mounter

var errUnsupported

// New returns a mount.Interface for the current system.
// It provides options to override the default mounter behavior.
// mounterPath allows using an alternative to `/bin/mount` for mounting.
func New(mounterPath string) Interface {}

// Mount always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) Mount(source string, target string, fstype string, options []string) error {}

// MountSensitive always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) MountSensitive(source string, target string, fstype string, options []string, sensitiveOptions []string) error {}

// MountSensitiveWithoutSystemd always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) MountSensitiveWithoutSystemd(source string, target string, fstype string, options []string, sensitiveOptions []string) error {}

// MountSensitiveWithoutSystemdWithMountFlags always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) MountSensitiveWithoutSystemdWithMountFlags(source string, target string, fstype string, options []string, sensitiveOptions []string, mountFlags []string) error {}

// Unmount always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) Unmount(target string) error {}

// List always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) List() ([]MountPoint, error) {}

// IsLikelyNotMountPoint always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) IsLikelyNotMountPoint(file string) (bool, error) {}

// CanSafelySkipMountPointCheck always returns false on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) CanSafelySkipMountPointCheck() bool {}

// IsMountPoint determines if a directory is a mountpoint.
// It always returns an error on unsupported platforms.
func (mounter *Mounter) IsMountPoint(file string) (bool, error) {}

// GetMountRefs always returns an error on unsupported platforms
func (mounter *Mounter) GetMountRefs(pathname string) ([]string, error) {}

func (mounter *SafeFormatAndMount) formatAndMountSensitive(source string, target string, fstype string, options []string, sensitiveOptions []string, formatOptions []string) error {}

func (mounter *SafeFormatAndMount) diskLooksUnformatted(disk string) (bool, error) {}

// IsMountPoint determines if a directory is a mountpoint.
// It always returns an error on unsupported platforms.
func (mounter *SafeFormatAndMount) IsMountPoint(file string) (bool, error) {}