
const defaultNamespaceMaxPodsToCheck

const defaultNamespacePodCheckTimeout

type Admission

type NamespaceGetter

type PodLister

type PodSpecExtractor

var defaultPodSpecResources

type DefaultPodSpecExtractor

func (DefaultPodSpecExtractor) HasPodSpec(gr schema.GroupResource) bool {}

func (DefaultPodSpecExtractor) ExtractPodSpec(obj runtime.Object) (*metav1.ObjectMeta, *corev1.PodSpec, error) {}

func (DefaultPodSpecExtractor) PodSpecResources() []schema.GroupResource {}

func extractPodSpecFromTemplate(template *corev1.PodTemplateSpec) (*metav1.ObjectMeta, *corev1.PodSpec, error) {}

// CompleteConfiguration sets up default or derived configuration.
func (a *Admission) CompleteConfiguration() error {}

// ValidateConfiguration ensures all required fields are set with valid values.
func (a *Admission) ValidateConfiguration() error {}

var namespacesResource

var podsResource

// Validate admits an API request.
// The objects in admission attributes are expected to be external v1 objects that we care about.
// The returned response may be shared and must not be mutated.
func (a *Admission) Validate(ctx context.Context, attrs api.Attributes) *admissionv1.AdmissionResponse {}

// ValidateNamespace evaluates a namespace create or update request to ensure the pod security labels are valid,
// and checks existing pods in the namespace for violations of the new policy when updating the enforce level on a namespace.
// The returned response may be shared between evaluations and must not be mutated.
func (a *Admission) ValidateNamespace(ctx context.Context, attrs api.Attributes) *admissionv1.AdmissionResponse {}

var ignoredPodSubresources

// ValidatePod evaluates a pod create or update request against the effective policy for the namespace.
// The returned response may be shared between evaluations and must not be mutated.
func (a *Admission) ValidatePod(ctx context.Context, attrs api.Attributes) *admissionv1.AdmissionResponse {}

// ValidatePodController evaluates a pod controller create or update request against the effective policy for the namespace.
// The returned response may be shared between evaluations and must not be mutated.
func (a *Admission) ValidatePodController(ctx context.Context, attrs api.Attributes) *admissionv1.AdmissionResponse {}

// EvaluatePod evaluates the given policy against the given pod(-like) object.
// The enforce policy is only checked if enforce=true.
// The returned response may be shared between evaluations and must not be mutated.
func (a *Admission) EvaluatePod(ctx context.Context, nsPolicy api.Policy, nsPolicyErr error, podMetadata *metav1.ObjectMeta, podSpec *corev1.PodSpec, attrs api.Attributes, enforce bool) *admissionv1.AdmissionResponse {}

type podCount

func (a *Admission) EvaluatePodsInNamespace(ctx context.Context, namespace string, enforce api.LevelVersion) []string {}

// prefixes warnings with the pod names related to that warning
func decoratePodWarnings(podWarningsToCount map[string]podCount, warnings []string) {}

func (a *Admission) PolicyToEvaluate(labels map[string]string) (api.Policy, field.ErrorList) {}

// isSignificantPodUpdate determines whether a pod update should trigger a policy evaluation.
// Relevant mutable pod fields as of 1.21 are image annotations:
// * https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/release-1.21/pkg/apis/core/validation/validation.go#L3947-L3949
func isSignificantPodUpdate(pod, oldPod *corev1.Pod) bool {}

// isSignificantContainerUpdate determines whether a container update should trigger a policy evaluation.
func isSignificantContainerUpdate(container, oldContainer *corev1.Container) bool {}

func (a *Admission) exemptNamespace(namespace string) bool {}

func (a *Admission) exemptUser(username string) bool {}

func (a *Admission) exemptRuntimeClass(runtimeClass *string) bool {}

// Filter and prioritize pods based on runtimeclass and uniqueness of the controller respectively for evaluation.
// The input slice is modified in place and should not be reused.
func (a *Admission) prioritizePods(pods []*corev1.Pod) []*corev1.Pod {}

func containsString(needle string, haystack []string) bool {}

// exemptNamespaceWarning returns a non-empty warning message if the exempt namespace has a
// non-privileged policy and sets pod security labels.
func (a *Admission) exemptNamespaceWarning(exemptNamespace string, policy api.Policy, nsLabels map[string]string) string {}