
type Version

func (v Version) String() string {}

// Older returns true if this version v is older than the other.
func (v *Version) Older(other Version) bool {}

func (v *Version) Major() int {}

func (v *Version) Minor() int {}

func (v *Version) Latest() bool {}

func MajorMinorVersion(major, minor int) Version {}

// GetAPIVersion get the version of apiServer and return the version major and minor
func GetAPIVersion() Version {}

func LatestVersion() Version {}

// ParseLevel returns the level that should be evaluated.
// level must be "privileged", "baseline", or "restricted".
// if level does not match one of those strings, "restricted" and an error is returned.
func ParseLevel(level string) (Level, error) {}

// Valid checks whether the level l is a valid level.
func (l *Level) Valid() bool {}

var versionRegexp

// ParseVersion returns the policy version that should be evaluated.
// version must be "latest" or "v1.x".
// If version does not match one of those patterns, the latest version and an error is returned.
func ParseVersion(version string) (Version, error) {}

type LevelVersion

func (lv LevelVersion) String() string {}

// Equivalent determines whether two LevelVersions are functionally equivalent. LevelVersions are
// considered equivalent if both are privileged, or both levels & versions are equal.
func (lv *LevelVersion) Equivalent(other *LevelVersion) bool {}

type Policy

func (p *Policy) String() string {}

// Equivalent determines whether two policies are functionally equivalent. Policies are considered
// equivalent if all 3 modes are considered equivalent.
func (p *Policy) Equivalent(other *Policy) bool {}

// FullyPrivileged returns true if all 3 policy modes are privileged.
func (p *Policy) FullyPrivileged() bool {}

// PolicyToEvaluate resolves the PodSecurity namespace labels to the policy for that namespace,
// falling back to the provided defaults when a label is unspecified. A valid policy is always
// returned, even when an error is returned. If labels cannot be parsed correctly, the values of
// "restricted" and "latest" are used for level and version respectively.
func PolicyToEvaluate(labels map[string]string, defaults Policy) (Policy, field.ErrorList) {}

// CompareLevels returns an integer comparing two levels by strictness. The result will be 0 if
// a==b, -1 if a is less strict than b, and +1 if a is more strict than b.
func CompareLevels(a, b Level) int {}

var labelsPath

// appendErr is a helper function to collect label-specific errors.
func appendErr(errs field.ErrorList, err error, label, value string) field.ErrorList {}