
// tweak makes a copy of in, passes it to f(), and returns the result.
// the input is not modified.
func tweak(in *corev1.Pod, f func(copy *corev1.Pod)) *corev1.Pod {}

// ensureSecurityContext ensures the pod and all initContainers and containers have a non-nil security context.
func ensureSecurityContext(p *corev1.Pod) *corev1.Pod {}

// ensureSELinuxOptions ensures the pod and all initContainers and containers have a non-nil seLinuxOptions.
func ensureSELinuxOptions(p *corev1.Pod) *corev1.Pod {}

// ensureAnnotation makes sure that pod.Annotations is never nil
func ensureAnnotation(pod *corev1.Pod) *corev1.Pod {}