
const newestMinorVersionToTest

const podOSBasedRestrictionEnabledVersion

type Options

func toJSON(pod *corev1.Pod) string {}

// checksForLevelAndVersion returns the set of check IDs that apply when evaluating the given level and version.
// checks are assumed to be well-formed and valid to pass to policy.NewEvaluator().
// level must be api.LevelRestricted or api.LevelBaseline
func checksForLevelAndVersion(checks []policy.Check, level api.Level, version api.Version) ([]policy.CheckID, error) {}

// computeVersionsToTest returns all the versions that have distinct checks defined,
// all the versions that have distinct minimal valid pod fixtures defined, and
// any hard-coded versions that should always be tested.
// This lets us sparsely test all versions with distinct fixture or policy changes
// without needing to exercise every intermediate version that had no changes.
func computeVersionsToTest(t *testing.T, checks []policy.Check) []api.Version {}

type testWarningHandler

func (t *testWarningHandler) HandleWarningHeader(code int, agent string, warning string) {}

func (t *testWarningHandler) FlushWarnings() []string {}

// and ensures pod fixtures expected to pass and fail against that level/version work as expected.
func Run(t *testing.T, opts Options) {}

func DefaultCreateNamespace(client kubernetes.Interface, name string, labels map[string]string) (*corev1.Namespace, error) {}