
var update

// gofmtFlags looks for a comment of the form
//	//gofmt flags
// within the first maxLines lines of the given file,
// and returns the flags string, if any. Otherwise it
// returns the empty string.
func gofmtFlags(filename string, maxLines int) string {}

func runTest(t *testing.T, in, out string) {}

// TestRewrite processes testdata/*.input files and compares them to the
// corresponding testdata/*.golden files. The gofmt flags used to process
// a file must be provided via a comment of the form
//	//gofmt flags
// in the processed file within the first 20 lines, if any.
func TestRewrite(t *testing.T) {}

// Test case for issue 3961.
func TestCRLF(t *testing.T) {}

func TestBackupFile(t *testing.T) {}