go/pkg/mod/github.com/mmcloughlin/[email protected]/x86/optab.go

// build constructs an instruction object from a list of acceptable forms, and
// given input operands and suffixes.
func build(forms []form, suffixes sffxs, ops []operand.Op) (*ir.Instruction, error) {}

type form

type feature

const featureTerminal

const featureBranch

const featureConditionalBranch

const featureCancellingInputs

type oprnds

type oprnd

type action

const actionN

const actionR

const actionW

const actionRW

// Read reports if the action includes read.
func (a action) Read() bool {}

// Read reports if the action includes write.
func (a action) Write() bool {}

// match reports whether this form matches the given suffixes and operand
// list.
func (f *form) match(suffixes sffxs, ops []operand.Op) bool {}

// build the full instruction object for this form and the given suffixes and
// operands. Assumes the form already matches the inputs.
func (f *form) build(suffixes sffxs, ops []operand.Op) *ir.Instruction {}