go/pkg/mod/github.com/mmcloughlin/[email protected]/pass/cleanup.go

// PruneJumpToFollowingLabel removes jump instructions that target an
// immediately following label.
func PruneJumpToFollowingLabel(fn *ir.Function) error {}

// PruneDanglingLabels removes labels that are not referenced by any branches.
func PruneDanglingLabels(fn *ir.Function) error {}

// PruneSelfMoves removes move instructions from one register to itself.
func PruneSelfMoves(fn *ir.Function) error {}

// removeinstructions deletes instructions from the given function which match predicate.
func removeinstructions(fn *ir.Function, predicate func(*ir.Instruction) bool) error {}

// deletenode deletes node i from nodes and returns the resulting slice.
func deletenode(nodes []ir.Node, i int) []ir.Node {}

// invalidatecfg clears CFG structures.
func invalidatecfg(fn *ir.Function) {}