go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/internal/typeparams/typeparams_go117.go

func unsupported() {}

// GetIndexExprData extracts data from *ast.IndexExpr nodes.
// For other nodes, GetIndexExprData returns nil.
func GetIndexExprData(n ast.Node) *IndexExprData {}

// ForTypeSpec returns an empty field list, as type parameters on not supported
// at this Go version.
func ForTypeSpec(*ast.TypeSpec) *ast.FieldList {}

// ForFuncType returns an empty field list, as type parameters are not
// supported at this Go version.
func ForFuncType(*ast.FuncType) *ast.FieldList {}

type TypeParam

func (*TypeParam) Constraint() types.Type {}

func (*TypeParam) Obj() *types.TypeName   {}

type TypeParamList

func (*TypeParamList) Len() int          {}

func (*TypeParamList) At(int) *TypeParam {}

type TypeList

func (*TypeList) Len() int          {}

func (*TypeList) At(int) types.Type {}

// NewTypeParam is unsupported at this Go version, and panics.
func NewTypeParam(name *types.TypeName, constraint types.Type) *TypeParam {}

// SetTypeParamConstraint is unsupported at this Go version, and panics.
func SetTypeParamConstraint(tparam *TypeParam, constraint types.Type) {}

// ForSignature returns an empty slice.
func ForSignature(*types.Signature) *TypeParamList {}

// SetForSignature panics if tparams is non-empty.
func SetForSignature(_ *types.Signature, tparams []*TypeParam) {}

// RecvTypeParams returns a nil slice.
func RecvTypeParams(sig *types.Signature) *TypeParamList {}

// SetRecvTypeParams panics if rparams is non-empty.
func SetRecvTypeParams(sig *types.Signature, rparams []*TypeParam) {}

// IsComparable returns false, as no interfaces are type-restricted at this Go
// version.
func IsComparable(*types.Interface) bool {}

// IsConstraint returns false, as no interfaces are type-restricted at this Go
// version.
func IsConstraint(*types.Interface) bool {}

// ForNamed returns an empty type parameter list, as type parameters are not
// supported at this Go version.
func ForNamed(*types.Named) *TypeParamList {}

// SetForNamed panics if tparams is non-empty.
func SetForNamed(_ *types.Named, tparams []*TypeParam) {}

// NamedTypeArgs returns nil.
func NamedTypeArgs(*types.Named) *TypeList {}

// NamedTypeOrigin is the identity method at this Go version.
func NamedTypeOrigin(named *types.Named) types.Type {}

type Term

func (*Term) Tilde() bool            {}

func (*Term) Type() types.Type       {}

func (*Term) String() string         {}

func (*Term) Underlying() types.Type {}

// NewTerm is unsupported at this Go version, and panics.
func NewTerm(tilde bool, typ types.Type) *Term {}

type Union

func (*Union) Len() int         {}

func (*Union) Term(i int) *Term {}

// NewUnion is unsupported at this Go version, and panics.
func NewUnion(terms []*Term) *Union {}

// InitInstanceInfo is a noop at this Go version.
func InitInstanceInfo(*types.Info) {}

// GetInstance returns nothing, as type parameters are not supported at this Go
// version.
func GetInstance(*types.Info, *ast.Ident) (*TypeList, types.Type) {}

type Environment

// Instantiate is unsupported on this Go version, and panics.
func Instantiate(env *Environment, typ types.Type, targs []types.Type, validate bool) (types.Type, error) {}