go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/internal/versions/gover.go

type gover

// compare returns -1, 0, or +1 depending on whether
// x < y, x == y, or x > y, interpreted as toolchain versions.
// The versions x and y must not begin with a "go" prefix: just "1.21" not "go1.21".
// Malformed versions compare less than well-formed versions and equal to each other.
// The language version "1.21" compares less than the release candidate and eventual releases "1.21rc1" and "1.21.0".
func compare(x, y string) int {}

// lang returns the Go language version. For example, lang("1.2.3") == "1.2".
func lang(x string) string {}

// isValid reports whether the version x is valid.
func isValid(x string) bool {}

// parse parses the Go version string x into a version.
// It returns the zero version if x is malformed.
func parse(x string) gover {}

// cutInt scans the leading decimal number at the start of x to an integer
// and returns that value and the rest of the string.
func cutInt(x string) (n, rest string, ok bool) {}

// cmpInt returns cmp.Compare(x, y) interpreting x and y as decimal numbers.
// (Copied from golang.org/x/mod/semver's compareInt.)
func cmpInt(x, y string) int {}