go/pkg/mod/github.com/mmcloughlin/[email protected]/build/error.go

type Error

// exterr constructs an Error with position derived from the first frame in the
// call stack outside this package.
func exterr(err error) Error {}

func (e Error) Error() string {}

type ErrorList

// Add appends an error to the list.
func (e *ErrorList) Add(err Error) {}

// AddAt appends an error at position p.
func (e *ErrorList) AddAt(p src.Position, err error) {}

// addext appends an error to the list, tagged with the
func (e *ErrorList) addext(err error) {}

// Err returns an error equivalent to this error list.
// If the list is empty, Err returns nil.
func (e ErrorList) Err() error {}

// An ErrorList implements the error interface.
func (e ErrorList) Error() string {}

// LogError logs a list of errors, one error per line, if the err parameter is
// an ErrorList. Otherwise it just logs the err string. Reports at most max
// errors, or unlimited if max is 0.
func LogError(l *log.Logger, err error, max int) {}