go/pkg/mod/github.com/mmcloughlin/[email protected]/reg/set.go

type MaskSet

// NewEmptyMaskSet builds an empty register mask set.
func NewEmptyMaskSet() MaskSet {}

// NewMaskSetFromRegisters forms a mask set from the given register list.
func NewMaskSetFromRegisters(rs []Register) MaskSet {}

// Clone returns a copy of s.
func (s MaskSet) Clone() MaskSet {}

// Add mask to the given register ID.
// Reports whether this made any change to the set.
func (s MaskSet) Add(id ID, mask uint16) bool {}

// AddRegister is a convenience for adding the register's (ID, mask) to the set.
// Reports whether this made any change to the set.
func (s MaskSet) AddRegister(r Register) bool {}

// Discard clears masked bits from register ID.
// Reports whether this made any change to the set.
func (s MaskSet) Discard(id ID, mask uint16) bool {}

// DiscardRegister is a convenience for discarding the register's (ID, mask) from the set.
// Reports whether this made any change to the set.
func (s MaskSet) DiscardRegister(r Register) bool {}

// Update adds masks in t to s.
// Reports whether this made any change to the set.
func (s MaskSet) Update(t MaskSet) bool {}

// Difference returns the set of registers in s but not t.
func (s MaskSet) Difference(t MaskSet) MaskSet {}

// DifferenceUpdate removes every element of t from s.
func (s MaskSet) DifferenceUpdate(t MaskSet) bool {}

// Equals returns true if s and t contain the same masks.
func (s MaskSet) Equals(t MaskSet) bool {}

// OfKind returns the set of elements of s with kind k.
func (s MaskSet) OfKind(k Kind) MaskSet {}