go/pkg/mod/github.com/mmcloughlin/[email protected]/src/src.go

type Position

// FramePosition returns the Position of the given stack frame.
func FramePosition(f runtime.Frame) Position {}

// IsValid reports whether the position is valid: Line must be positive, but
// Filename may be empty.
func (p Position) IsValid() bool {}

// String represents Position as a string.
func (p Position) String() string {}

// Rel returns Position relative to basepath. If the given filename cannot be
// expressed relative to basepath the position will be returned unchanged.
func (p Position) Rel(basepath string) Position {}

// Relwd returns Position relative to the current working directory. Returns p
// unchanged if the working directory cannot be determined, or the filename
// cannot be expressed relative to the working directory.
func (p Position) Relwd() Position {}