go/pkg/mod/golang.org/x/[email protected]/go/internal/gcimporter/gcimporter.go

const debug

var pkgExts

// FindPkg returns the filename and unique package id for an import
// path based on package information provided by build.Import (using
// the build.Default build.Context). A relative srcDir is interpreted
// relative to the current working directory.
// If no file was found, an empty filename is returned.
func FindPkg(path, srcDir string) (filename, id string) {}

// ImportData imports a package by reading the gc-generated export data,
// adds the corresponding package object to the packages map indexed by id,
// and returns the object.
// The packages map must contains all packages already imported. The data
// reader position must be the beginning of the export data section. The
// filename is only used in error messages.
// If packages[id] contains the completely imported package, that package
// can be used directly, and there is no need to call this function (but
// there is also no harm but for extra time used).
func ImportData(packages map[string]*types.Package, filename, id string, data io.Reader) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {}

// Import imports a gc-generated package given its import path and srcDir, adds
// the corresponding package object to the packages map, and returns the object.
// The packages map must contain all packages already imported.
func Import(packages map[string]*types.Package, path, srcDir string, lookup func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error)) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {}

type parser

func (p *parser) init(filename, id string, src io.Reader, packages map[string]*types.Package) {}

func (p *parser) next() {}

func declTypeName(pkg *types.Package, name string) *types.TypeName {}

type importError

func (e importError) Error() string {}

func (p *parser) error(err interface{}

func (p *parser) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}

func (p *parser) expect(tok rune) string {}

func (p *parser) expectSpecial(tok string) {}

func (p *parser) expectKeyword(keyword string) {}

// PackageId = string_lit .
func (p *parser) parsePackageID() string {}

// PackageName = ident .
func (p *parser) parsePackageName() string {}

// dotIdentifier = ( ident | '·' ) { ident | int | '·' } .
func (p *parser) parseDotIdent() string {}

// QualifiedName = "@" PackageId "." ( "?" | dotIdentifier ) .
func (p *parser) parseQualifiedName() (id, name string) {}

// getPkg returns the package for a given id. If the package is
// not found, create the package and add it to the p.localPkgs
// and p.sharedPkgs maps. name is the (expected) name of the
// package. If name == "", the package name is expected to be
// set later via an import clause in the export data.
// id identifies a package, usually by a canonical package path like
// "encoding/json" but possibly by a non-canonical import path like
// "./json".
func (p *parser) getPkg(id, name string) *types.Package {}

// parseExportedName is like parseQualifiedName, but
// the package id is resolved to an imported *types.Package.
func (p *parser) parseExportedName() (pkg *types.Package, name string) {}

// BasicType = identifier .
func (p *parser) parseBasicType() types.Type {}

// ArrayType = "[" int_lit "]" Type .
func (p *parser) parseArrayType(parent *types.Package) types.Type {}

// MapType = "map" "[" Type "]" Type .
func (p *parser) parseMapType(parent *types.Package) types.Type {}

// Name = identifier | "?" | QualifiedName .
// For unqualified and anonymous names, the returned package is the parent
// package unless parent == nil, in which case the returned package is the
// package being imported. (The parent package is not nil if the name
// is an unqualified struct field or interface method name belonging to a
// type declared in another package.)
// For qualified names, the returned package is nil (and not created if
// it doesn't exist yet) unless materializePkg is set (which creates an
// unnamed package with valid package path). In the latter case, a
// subsequent import clause is expected to provide a name for the package.
func (p *parser) parseName(parent *types.Package, materializePkg bool) (pkg *types.Package, name string) {}

func deref(typ types.Type) types.Type {}

// Field = Name Type [ string_lit ] .
func (p *parser) parseField(parent *types.Package) (*types.Var, string) {}

// StructType = "struct" "{" [ FieldList ] "}" .
// FieldList  = Field { ";" Field } .
func (p *parser) parseStructType(parent *types.Package) types.Type {}

// Parameter = ( identifier | "?" ) [ "..." ] Type [ string_lit ] .
func (p *parser) parseParameter() (par *types.Var, isVariadic bool) {}

// Parameters    = "(" [ ParameterList ] ")" .
// ParameterList = { Parameter "," } Parameter .
func (p *parser) parseParameters() (list []*types.Var, isVariadic bool) {}

// Signature = Parameters [ Result ] .
// Result    = Type | Parameters .
func (p *parser) parseSignature(recv *types.Var) *types.Signature {}

// InterfaceType = "interface" "{" [ MethodList ] "}" .
// MethodList    = Method { ";" Method } .
// Method        = Name Signature .
// The methods of embedded interfaces are always "inlined"
// by the compiler and thus embedded interfaces are never
// visible in the export data.
func (p *parser) parseInterfaceType(parent *types.Package) types.Type {}

// ChanType = ( "chan" [ "<-" ] | "<-" "chan" ) Type .
func (p *parser) parseChanType(parent *types.Package) types.Type {}

// Type =
//	BasicType | TypeName | ArrayType | SliceType | StructType |
//      PointerType | FuncType | InterfaceType | MapType | ChanType |
//      "(" Type ")" .
// BasicType   = ident .
// TypeName    = ExportedName .
// SliceType   = "[" "]" Type .
// PointerType = "*" Type .
// FuncType    = "func" Signature .
func (p *parser) parseType(parent *types.Package) types.Type {}

// ImportDecl = "import" PackageName PackageId .
func (p *parser) parseImportDecl() {}

// int_lit = [ "+" | "-" ] { "0" ... "9" } .
func (p *parser) parseInt() string {}

// number = int_lit [ "p" int_lit ] .
func (p *parser) parseNumber() (typ *types.Basic, val constant.Value) {}

// ConstDecl   = "const" ExportedName [ Type ] "=" Literal .
// Literal     = bool_lit | int_lit | float_lit | complex_lit | rune_lit | string_lit .
// bool_lit    = "true" | "false" .
// complex_lit = "(" float_lit "+" float_lit "i" ")" .
// rune_lit    = "(" int_lit "+" int_lit ")" .
// string_lit  = `"` { unicode_char } `"` .
func (p *parser) parseConstDecl() {}

// TypeDecl = "type" ExportedName Type .
func (p *parser) parseTypeDecl() {}

// VarDecl = "var" ExportedName Type .
func (p *parser) parseVarDecl() {}

// Func = Signature [ Body ] .
// Body = "{" ... "}" .
func (p *parser) parseFunc(recv *types.Var) *types.Signature {}

// MethodDecl = "func" Receiver Name Func .
// Receiver   = "(" ( identifier | "?" ) [ "*" ] ExportedName ")" .
func (p *parser) parseMethodDecl() {}

// FuncDecl = "func" ExportedName Func .
func (p *parser) parseFuncDecl() {}

// Decl = [ ImportDecl | ConstDecl | TypeDecl | VarDecl | FuncDecl | MethodDecl ] "\n" .
func (p *parser) parseDecl() {}

// Export        = "PackageClause { Decl } "$$" .
// PackageClause = "package" PackageName [ "safe" ] "\n" .
func (p *parser) parseExport() *types.Package {}

type byPath

func (a byPath) Len() int           {}

func (a byPath) Swap(i, j int)      {}

func (a byPath) Less(i, j int) bool {}