go/pkg/mod/github.com/mmcloughlin/[email protected]/printer/printer.go

type Printer

type Builder

type Config

// NewDefaultConfig produces a config with Name "avo".
// The package name is guessed from the current directory.
func NewDefaultConfig() Config {}

// NewArgvConfig constructs a Config from os.Args.
// The package name is guessed from the current directory.
func NewArgvConfig() Config {}

// NewGoRunConfig produces a Config for a generator that's expected to be
// executed via "go run ...".
func NewGoRunConfig() Config {}

// GeneratedBy returns a description of the code generator.
func (c Config) GeneratedBy() string {}

// GeneratedWarning returns text for a code generation warning. Conforms to https://golang.org/s/generatedcode.
func (c Config) GeneratedWarning() string {}

// mainfile attempts to determine the file path of the main function by
// inspecting the stack. Returns empty string on failure.
func mainfile() string {}

// pkg guesses the name of the package from the working directory.
func pkg() string {}