
type Input

// NewInput returns an Input from the given path.
func NewInput(name string) *Input {}

// predefine installs the macros set by the -D flag on the command line.
func predefine(defines flags.MultiFlag) map[string]*Macro {}

var panicOnError

func (in *Input) Error(args ...interface{}

// expectText is like Error but adds "got XXX" where XXX is a quoted representation of the most recent token.
func (in *Input) expectText(args ...interface{}

// enabled reports whether the input is enabled by an ifdef, or is at the top level.
func (in *Input) enabled() bool {}

func (in *Input) expectNewline(directive string) {}

func (in *Input) Next() ScanToken {}

func (in *Input) Text() string {}

// hash processes a # preprocessor directive. It reports whether it completes.
func (in *Input) hash() bool {}

// macroName returns the name for the macro being referenced.
func (in *Input) macroName() string {}

// #define processing.
func (in *Input) define() {}

// defineMacro stores the macro definition in the Input.
func (in *Input) defineMacro(name string, args []string, tokens []Token) {}

// macroDefinition returns the list of formals and the tokens of the definition.
// The argument list is nil for no parens on the definition; otherwise a list of
// formal argument names.
func (in *Input) macroDefinition(name string) ([]string, []Token) {}

// invokeMacro pushes onto the input Stack a Slice that holds the macro definition with the actual
// parameters substituted for the formals.
// Invoking a macro does not touch the PC/line history.
func (in *Input) invokeMacro(macro *Macro) {}

// argsFor returns a map from formal name to actual value for this argumented macro invocation.
// The opening parenthesis has been absorbed.
func (in *Input) argsFor(macro *Macro) map[string][]Token {}

// collectArgument returns the actual tokens for a single argument of a macro.
// It also returns the token that terminated the argument, which will always
// be either ',' or ')'. The starting '(' has been scanned.
func (in *Input) collectArgument(macro *Macro) ([]Token, ScanToken) {}

// #ifdef and #ifndef processing.
func (in *Input) ifdef(truth bool) {}

// #else processing
func (in *Input) else_() {}

// #endif processing.
func (in *Input) endif() {}

// #include processing.
func (in *Input) include() {}

// #line processing.
func (in *Input) line() {}

// #undef processing
func (in *Input) undef() {}

func (in *Input) Push(r TokenReader) {}

func (in *Input) Close() {}