
var debugDefine

var debugGcc

var nameToC

var incomplete

// cname returns the C name to use for C.s.
// The expansions are listed in nameToC and also
// struct_foo becomes "struct foo", and similarly for
// union and enum.
func cname(s string) string {}

// ProcessCgoDirectives processes the import C preamble:
//  1. discards all #cgo CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, nocallback and noescape directives,
//     so they don't make their way into _cgo_export.h.
//  2. parse the nocallback and noescape directives.
func (f *File) ProcessCgoDirectives() {}

// addToFlag appends args to flag.
func (p *Package) addToFlag(flag string, args []string) {}

// splitQuoted splits the string s around each instance of one or more consecutive
// white space characters while taking into account quotes and escaping, and
// returns an array of substrings of s or an empty list if s contains only white space.
// Single quotes and double quotes are recognized to prevent splitting within the
// quoted region, and are removed from the resulting substrings. If a quote in s
// isn't closed err will be set and r will have the unclosed argument as the
// last element. The backslash is used for escaping.
// For example, the following string:
//	`a b:"c d" 'e''f'  "g\""`
// Would be parsed as:
//	[]string{"a", "b:c d", "ef", `g"`}
func splitQuoted(s string) (r []string, err error) {}

// Translate rewrites f.AST, the original Go input, to remove
// references to the imported package C, replacing them with
// references to the equivalent Go types, functions, and variables.
func (p *Package) Translate(f *File) {}

// loadDefines coerces gcc into spitting out the #defines in use
// in the file f and saves relevant renamings in f.Name[name].Define.
// Returns true if env:CC is Clang
func (f *File) loadDefines(gccOptions []string) bool {}

// guessKinds tricks gcc into revealing the kind of each
// name xxx for the references C.xxx in the Go input.
// The kind is either a constant, type, or variable.
func (p *Package) guessKinds(f *File) []*Name {}

// loadDWARF parses the DWARF debug information generated
// by gcc to learn the details of the constants, variables, and types
// being referred to as C.xxx.
func (p *Package) loadDWARF(f *File, conv *typeConv, names []*Name) {}

// recordTypedefs remembers in p.typedefs all the typedefs used in dtypes and its children.
func (p *Package) recordTypedefs(dtype dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos) {}

func (p *Package) recordTypedefs1(dtype dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos, visited map[dwarf.Type]bool) {}

// prepareNames finalizes the Kind field of not-type names and sets
// the mangled name of all names.
func (p *Package) prepareNames(f *File) {}

// mangleName does name mangling to translate names
// from the original Go source files to the names
// used in the final Go files generated by cgo.
func (p *Package) mangleName(n *Name) {}

func (f *File) isMangledName(s string) bool {}

// rewriteCalls rewrites all calls that pass pointers to check that
// they follow the rules for passing pointers between Go and C.
// This reports whether the package needs to import unsafe as _cgo_unsafe.
func (p *Package) rewriteCalls(f *File) bool {}

// rewriteCall rewrites one call to add pointer checks.
// If any pointer checks are required, we rewrite the call into a
// function literal that calls _cgoCheckPointer for each pointer
// argument and then calls the original function.
// This returns the rewritten call and whether the package needs to
// import unsafe as _cgo_unsafe.
// If it returns the empty string, the call did not need to be rewritten.
func (p *Package) rewriteCall(f *File, call *Call) (string, bool) {}

// needsPointerCheck reports whether the type t needs a pointer check.
// This is true if t is a pointer and if the value to which it points
// might contain a pointer.
func (p *Package) needsPointerCheck(f *File, t ast.Expr, arg ast.Expr) bool {}

// hasPointer is used by needsPointerCheck. If top is true it returns
// whether t is or contains a pointer that might point to a pointer.
// If top is false it reports whether t is or contains a pointer.
// f may be nil.
func (p *Package) hasPointer(f *File, t ast.Expr, top bool) bool {}

// mangle replaces references to C names in arg with the mangled names,
// rewriting calls when it finds them.
// It removes the corresponding references in f.Ref and f.Calls, so that we
// don't try to do the replacement again in rewriteRef or rewriteCall.
// If addPosition is true, add position info to the idents of C names in arg.
func (p *Package) mangle(f *File, arg *ast.Expr, addPosition bool) (ast.Expr, bool) {}

// checkIndex checks whether arg has the form &a[i], possibly inside
// type conversions. If so, then in the general case it writes
//	_cgoIndexNN := a
//	_cgoNN := &cgoIndexNN[i] // with type conversions, if any
// to sb, and writes
//	_cgoCheckPointer(_cgoNN, _cgoIndexNN)
// to sbCheck, and returns true. If a is a simple variable or field reference,
// it writes
//	_cgoIndexNN := &a
// and dereferences the uses of _cgoIndexNN. Taking the address avoids
// making a copy of an array.
// This tells _cgoCheckPointer to check the complete contents of the
// slice or array being indexed, but no other part of the memory allocation.
func (p *Package) checkIndex(sb, sbCheck *bytes.Buffer, arg ast.Expr, i int) bool {}

// checkAddr checks whether arg has the form &x, possibly inside type
// conversions. If so, it writes
//	_cgoBaseNN := &x
//	_cgoNN := _cgoBaseNN // with type conversions, if any
// to sb, and writes
//	_cgoCheckPointer(_cgoBaseNN, true)
// to sbCheck, and returns true. This tells _cgoCheckPointer to check
// just the contents of the pointer being passed, not any other part
// of the memory allocation. This is run after checkIndex, which looks
// for the special case of &a[i], which requires different checks.
func (p *Package) checkAddr(sb, sbCheck *bytes.Buffer, arg ast.Expr, i int) bool {}

// checkSlice checks whether arg has the form x[i:j], possibly inside
// type conversions. If so, it writes
//	_cgoSliceNN := x[i:j]
//	_cgoNN := _cgoSliceNN // with type conversions, if any
// to sb, and writes
//	_cgoCheckPointer(_cgoSliceNN, true)
// to sbCheck, and returns true. This tells _cgoCheckPointer to check
// just the contents of the slice being passed, not any other part
// of the memory allocation.
func (p *Package) checkSlice(sb, sbCheck *bytes.Buffer, arg ast.Expr, i int) bool {}

// checkUnsafeStringData checks for a call to unsafe.StringData.
// The result of that call can't contain a pointer so there is
// no need to call _cgoCheckPointer.
func (p *Package) checkUnsafeStringData(arg ast.Expr) bool {}

// isType reports whether the expression is definitely a type.
// This is conservative--it returns false for an unknown identifier.
func (p *Package) isType(t ast.Expr) bool {}

// isUnsafeData reports whether the expression is unsafe.StringData
// or unsafe.SliceData. We can ignore these when checking for pointers
// because they don't change whether or not their argument contains
// any Go pointers. If onlyStringData is true we only check for StringData.
func (p *Package) isUnsafeData(x ast.Expr, onlyStringData bool) bool {}

// isVariable reports whether x is a variable, possibly with field references.
func (p *Package) isVariable(x ast.Expr) bool {}

// rewriteUnsafe returns a version of t with references to unsafe.Pointer
// rewritten to use _cgo_unsafe.Pointer instead.
func (p *Package) rewriteUnsafe(t ast.Expr) ast.Expr {}

// rewriteRef rewrites all the C.xxx references in f.AST to refer to the
// Go equivalents, now that we have figured out the meaning of all
// the xxx. In *godefs mode, rewriteRef replaces the names
// with full definitions instead of mangled names.
func (p *Package) rewriteRef(f *File) {}

// rewriteName returns the expression used to rewrite a reference.
// If addPosition is true, add position info in the ident name.
func (p *Package) rewriteName(f *File, r *Ref, addPosition bool) ast.Expr {}

// gofmtPos returns the gofmt-formatted string for an AST node,
// with a comment setting the position before the node.
func gofmtPos(n ast.Expr, pos token.Pos) string {}

// checkGCCBaseCmd returns the start of the compiler command line.
// It uses $CC if set, or else $GCC, or else the compiler recorded
// during the initial build as defaultCC.
// defaultCC is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
// The compiler command line is split into arguments on whitespace. Quotes
// are understood, so arguments may contain whitespace.
// checkGCCBaseCmd confirms that the compiler exists in PATH, returning
// an error if it does not.
func checkGCCBaseCmd() ([]string, error) {}

// gccMachine returns the gcc -m flag to use, either "-m32", "-m64" or "-marm".
func gccMachine() []string {}

func gccTmp() string {}

// gccCmd returns the gcc command line to use for compiling
// the input.
func (p *Package) gccCmd() []string {}

// gccDebug runs gcc -gdwarf-2 over the C program stdin and
// returns the corresponding DWARF data and, if present, debug data block.
func (p *Package) gccDebug(stdin []byte, nnames int) (d *dwarf.Data, ints []int64, floats []float64, strs []string) {}

// gccDefines runs gcc -E -dM -xc - over the C program stdin
// and returns the corresponding standard output, which is the
// #defines that gcc encountered while processing the input
// and its included files.
func gccDefines(stdin []byte, gccOptions []string) string {}

// gccErrors runs gcc over the C program stdin and returns
// the errors that gcc prints. That is, this function expects
// gcc to fail.
func (p *Package) gccErrors(stdin []byte, extraArgs ...string) string {}

// runGcc runs the gcc command line args with stdin on standard input.
// If the command exits with a non-zero exit status, runGcc prints
// details about what was run and exits.
// Otherwise runGcc returns the data written to standard output and standard error.
// Note that for some of the uses we expect useful data back
// on standard error, but for those uses gcc must still exit 0.
func runGcc(stdin []byte, args []string) (string, string) {}

type typeConv

var tagGen

var typedef

var goIdent

var unionWithPointer

var anonymousStructTag

func (c *typeConv) Init(ptrSize, intSize int64) {}

// base strips away qualifiers and typedefs to get the underlying type.
func base(dt dwarf.Type) dwarf.Type {}

// unqual strips away qualifiers from a DWARF type.
// In general we don't care about top-level qualifiers.
func unqual(dt dwarf.Type) dwarf.Type {}

var dwarfToName

const signedDelta

// String returns the current type representation. Format arguments
// are assembled within this method so that any changes in mutable
// values are taken into account.
func (tr *TypeRepr) String() string {}

// Empty reports whether the result of String would be "".
func (tr *TypeRepr) Empty() bool {}

// Set modifies the type representation.
// If fargs are provided, repr is used as a format for fmt.Sprintf.
// Otherwise, repr is used unprocessed as the type representation.
func (tr *TypeRepr) Set(repr string, fargs ...interface{}

// FinishType completes any outstanding type mapping work.
// In particular, it resolves incomplete pointer types.
func (c *typeConv) FinishType(pos token.Pos) {}

// Type returns a *Type with the same memory layout as
// dtype when used as the type of a variable or a struct field.
func (c *typeConv) Type(dtype dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos) *Type {}

// loadType recursively loads the requested dtype and its dependency graph.
func (c *typeConv) loadType(dtype dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos, parent string) *Type {}

// isStructUnionClass reports whether the type described by the Go syntax x
// is a struct, union, or class with a tag.
func isStructUnionClass(x ast.Expr) bool {}

// FuncArg returns a Go type with the same memory layout as
// dtype when used as the type of a C function argument.
func (c *typeConv) FuncArg(dtype dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos) *Type {}

// FuncType returns the Go type analogous to dtype.
// There is no guarantee about matching memory layout.
func (c *typeConv) FuncType(dtype *dwarf.FuncType, pos token.Pos) *FuncType {}

// Identifier
func (c *typeConv) Ident(s string) *ast.Ident {}

// Opaque type of n bytes.
func (c *typeConv) Opaque(n int64) ast.Expr {}

// Expr for integer n.
func (c *typeConv) intExpr(n int64) ast.Expr {}

// Add padding of given size to fld.
func (c *typeConv) pad(fld []*ast.Field, sizes []int64, size int64) ([]*ast.Field, []int64) {}

// Struct conversion: return Go and (gc) C syntax for type.
func (c *typeConv) Struct(dt *dwarf.StructType, pos token.Pos) (expr *ast.StructType, csyntax string, align int64) {}

// dwarfHasPointer reports whether the DWARF type dt contains a pointer.
func (c *typeConv) dwarfHasPointer(dt dwarf.Type, pos token.Pos) bool {}

func upper(s string) string {}

// godefsFields rewrites field names for use in Go or C definitions.
// It strips leading common prefixes (like tv_ in tv_sec, tv_usec)
// converts names to upper case, and rewrites _ into Pad_godefs_n,
// so that all fields are exported.
func godefsFields(fld []*ast.Field) {}

// fieldPrefix returns the prefix that should be removed from all the
// field names when generating the C or Go code. For generated
// C, we leave the names as is (tv_sec, tv_usec), since that's what
// people are used to seeing in C.  For generated Go code, such as
// package syscall's data structures, we drop a common prefix
// (so sec, usec, which will get turned into Sec, Usec for exporting).
func fieldPrefix(fld []*ast.Field) string {}

// anonymousStructTypedef reports whether dt is a C typedef for an anonymous
// struct.
func (c *typeConv) anonymousStructTypedef(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {}

// badPointerTypedef reports whether dt is a C typedef that should not be
// considered a pointer in Go. A typedef is bad if C code sometimes stores
// non-pointers in this type.
// TODO: Currently our best solution is to find these manually and list them as
// they come up. A better solution is desired.
// Note: DEPRECATED. There is now a better solution. Search for incomplete in this file.
func (c *typeConv) badPointerTypedef(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {}

// badVoidPointerTypedef is like badPointerTypeDef, but for "void *" typedefs that should be _cgopackage.Incomplete.
func (c *typeConv) badVoidPointerTypedef(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {}

// badStructPointerTypedef is like badVoidPointerTypedef but for structs.
func (c *typeConv) badStructPointerTypedef(name string, dt *dwarf.StructType) bool {}

// baseBadPointerTypedef reports whether the base of a chain of typedefs is a bad typedef
// as badPointerTypedef reports.
func (c *typeConv) baseBadPointerTypedef(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {}

func (c *typeConv) badCFType(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {}

func (c *typeConv) badJNI(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {}

func (c *typeConv) badEGLType(dt *dwarf.TypedefType) bool {}

var jniTypes