
type ABIParamResultInfo

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) Config() *ABIConfig {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) InParams() []ABIParamAssignment {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) OutParams() []ABIParamAssignment {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) InRegistersUsed() int {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) OutRegistersUsed() int {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) InParam(i int) *ABIParamAssignment {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) OutParam(i int) *ABIParamAssignment {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) SpillAreaOffset() int64 {}

func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) SpillAreaSize() int64 {}

// ArgWidth returns the amount of stack needed for all the inputs
// and outputs of a function or method, including ABI-defined parameter
// slots and ABI-defined spill slots for register-resident parameters.
// The name is inherited from (*Type).ArgWidth(), which it replaces.
func (a *ABIParamResultInfo) ArgWidth() int64 {}

type RegIndex

type ABIParamAssignment

// Offset returns the stack offset for addressing the parameter that "a" describes.
// This will panic if "a" describes a register-allocated parameter.
func (a *ABIParamAssignment) Offset() int32 {}

// RegisterTypes returns a slice of the types of the registers
// corresponding to a slice of parameters.  The returned slice
// has capacity for one more, likely a memory type.
func RegisterTypes(apa []ABIParamAssignment) []*types.Type {}

func (pa *ABIParamAssignment) RegisterTypesAndOffsets() ([]*types.Type, []int64) {}

func appendParamTypes(rts []*types.Type, t *types.Type) []*types.Type {}

// appendParamOffsets appends the offset(s) of type t, starting from "at",
// to input offsets, and returns the longer slice and the next unused offset.
// at should already be aligned for t.
func appendParamOffsets(offsets []int64, at int64, t *types.Type) ([]int64, int64) {}

// FrameOffset returns the frame-pointer-relative location that a function
// would spill its input or output parameter to, if such a spill slot exists.
// If there is none defined (e.g., register-allocated outputs) it panics.
// For register-allocated inputs that is their spill offset reserved for morestack;
// for stack-allocated inputs and outputs, that is their location on the stack.
// (In a future version of the ABI, register-resident inputs may lose their defined
// spill area to help reduce stack sizes.)
func (a *ABIParamAssignment) FrameOffset(i *ABIParamResultInfo) int64 {}

type RegAmounts

type ABIConfig

// NewABIConfig returns a new ABI configuration for an architecture with
// iRegsCount integer/pointer registers and fRegsCount floating point registers.
func NewABIConfig(iRegsCount, fRegsCount int, offsetForLocals int64, which uint8) *ABIConfig {}

// Copy returns config.
// TODO(mdempsky): Remove.
func (config *ABIConfig) Copy() *ABIConfig {}

// Which returns the ABI number
func (config *ABIConfig) Which() obj.ABI {}

// LocalsOffset returns the architecture-dependent offset from SP for args and results.
// In theory this is only used for debugging; it ought to already be incorporated into
// results from the ABI-related methods
func (config *ABIConfig) LocalsOffset() int64 {}

// FloatIndexFor translates r into an index in the floating point parameter
// registers.  If the result is negative, the input index was actually for the
// integer parameter registers.
func (config *ABIConfig) FloatIndexFor(r RegIndex) int64 {}

// NumParamRegs returns the total number of registers used to
// represent a parameter of the given type, which must be register
// assignable.
func (config *ABIConfig) NumParamRegs(typ *types.Type) int {}

// ABIAnalyzeTypes takes slices of parameter and result types, and returns an ABIParamResultInfo,
// based on the given configuration.  This is the same result computed by config.ABIAnalyze applied to the
// corresponding method/function type, except that all the embedded parameter names are nil.
// This is intended for use by ssagen/ssa.go:(*state).rtcall, for runtime functions that lack a parsed function type.
func (config *ABIConfig) ABIAnalyzeTypes(params, results []*types.Type) *ABIParamResultInfo {}

// ABIAnalyzeFuncType takes a function type 'ft' and an ABI rules description
// 'config' and analyzes the function to determine how its parameters
// and results will be passed (in registers or on the stack), returning
// an ABIParamResultInfo object that holds the results of the analysis.
func (config *ABIConfig) ABIAnalyzeFuncType(ft *types.Type) *ABIParamResultInfo {}

// ABIAnalyze returns the same result as ABIAnalyzeFuncType, but also
// updates the offsets of all the receiver, input, and output fields.
// If setNname is true, it also sets the FrameOffset of the Nname for
// the field(s); this is for use when compiling a function and figuring out
// spill locations.  Doing this for callers can cause races for register
// outputs because their frame location transitions from BOGUS_FUNARG_OFFSET
// to zero to an as-if-AUTO offset that has no use for callers.
func (config *ABIConfig) ABIAnalyze(t *types.Type, setNname bool) *ABIParamResultInfo {}

func (config *ABIConfig) updateOffset(result *ABIParamResultInfo, f *types.Field, a ABIParamAssignment, isResult, setNname bool) {}

// regString produces a human-readable version of a RegIndex.
func (c *RegAmounts) regString(r RegIndex) string {}

// ToString method renders an ABIParamAssignment in human-readable
// form, suitable for debugging or unit testing.
func (ri *ABIParamAssignment) ToString(config *ABIConfig, extra bool) string {}

// String method renders an ABIParamResultInfo in human-readable
// form, suitable for debugging or unit testing.
func (ri *ABIParamResultInfo) String() string {}

type assignState

// align returns a rounded up to t's alignment.
func align(a int64, t *types.Type) int64 {}

// alignTo returns a rounded up to t, where t must be 0 or a power of 2.
func alignTo(a int64, t int) int64 {}

// nextSlot allocates the next available slot for typ.
func nextSlot(offsetp *int64, typ *types.Type) int64 {}

// allocateRegs returns an ordered list of register indices for a parameter or result
// that we've just determined to be register-assignable. The number of registers
// needed is assumed to be stored in state.pUsed.
func (state *assignState) allocateRegs(regs []RegIndex, t *types.Type) []RegIndex {}

var synthOnce

var synthSlice

var synthString

var synthIface

// setup performs setup for the register assignment utilities, manufacturing
// a small set of synthesized types that we'll need along the way.
func setup() {}

// assignParam processes a given receiver, param, or result
// of field f to determine whether it can be register assigned.
// The result of the analysis is recorded in the result
// ABIParamResultInfo held in 'state'.
func (state *assignState) assignParam(typ *types.Type, name *ir.Name, isResult bool) ABIParamAssignment {}

// tryAllocRegs attempts to allocate registers to represent a
// parameter of the given type. If unsuccessful, it returns nil.
func (state *assignState) tryAllocRegs(typ *types.Type) []RegIndex {}

// ComputePadding returns a list of "post element" padding values in
// the case where we have a structure being passed in registers. Given
// a param assignment corresponding to a struct, it returns a list
// containing padding values for each field, e.g. the Kth element in
// the list is the amount of padding between field K and the following
// field. For things that are not structs (or structs without padding)
// it returns a list of zeros. Example:
//	type small struct {
//		x uint16
//		y uint8
//		z int32
//		w int32
//	}
// For this struct we would return a list [0, 1, 0, 0], meaning that
// we have one byte of padding after the second field, and no bytes of
// padding after any of the other fields. Input parameter "storage" is
// a slice with enough capacity to accommodate padding elements for
// the architected register set in question.
func (pa *ABIParamAssignment) ComputePadding(storage []uint64) []uint64 {}