


const NOT_KEY32

type T

type node32

func makeNode(key int32) *node32 {}

// IsEmpty returns true iff t is empty.
func (t *T) IsEmpty() bool {}

// IsSingle returns true iff t is a singleton (leaf).
func (t *T) IsSingle() bool {}

// VisitInOrder applies f to the key and data pairs in t,
// with keys ordered from smallest to largest.
func (t *T) VisitInOrder(f func(int32, interface{}

func (n *node32) nilOrData() interface{}

func (n *node32) nilOrKeyAndData() (k int32, d interface{}

func (n *node32) height() int8 {}

// Find returns the data associated with x in the tree, or
// nil if x is not in the tree.
func (t *T) Find(x int32) interface{}

// Insert either adds x to the tree if x was not previously
// a key in the tree, or updates the data for x in the tree if
// x was already a key in the tree.  The previous data associated
// with x is returned, and is nil if x was not previously a
// key in the tree.
func (t *T) Insert(x int32, data interface{}

func (t *T) Copy() *T {}

func (t *T) Delete(x int32) interface{}

func (t *T) DeleteMin() (int32, interface{}

func (t *T) DeleteMax() (int32, interface{}

func (t *T) Size() int {}

// Intersection returns the intersection of t and u, where the result
// data for any common keys is given by f(t's data, u's data) -- f need
// not be symmetric.  If f returns nil, then the key and data are not
// added to the result.  If f itself is nil, then whatever value was
// already present in the smaller set is used.
func (t *T) Intersection(u *T, f func(x, y interface{}

// Union returns the union of t and u, where the result data for any common keys
// is given by f(t's data, u's data) -- f need not be symmetric.  If f returns nil,
// then the key and data are not added to the result.  If f itself is nil, then
// whatever value was already present in the larger set is used.
func (t *T) Union(u *T, f func(x, y interface{}

// Difference returns the difference of t and u, subject to the result
// of f applied to data corresponding to equal keys.  If f returns nil
// (or if f is nil) then the key+data are excluded, as usual.  If f
// returns not-nil, then that key+data pair is inserted. instead.
func (t *T) Difference(u *T, f func(x, y interface{}

func (t *T) Iterator() Iterator {}

func (t *T) Equals(u *T) bool {}

func (t *T) String() string {}

func (t *node32) equals(u *node32) bool {}

func (t *T) Equiv(u *T, eqv func(x, y interface{}

func (t *node32) equiv(u *node32, eqv func(x, y interface{}

type iterator

type Iterator

func (it *Iterator) Next() (int32, interface{}

func (it *Iterator) Done() bool {}

func (t *node32) iterator() iterator {}

func (it *iterator) leftmost(t *node32) {}

func (it *iterator) done() bool {}

func (it *iterator) next() *node32 {}

// Min returns the minimum element of t.
// If t is empty, then (NOT_KEY32, nil) is returned.
func (t *T) Min() (k int32, d interface{}

// Max returns the maximum element of t.
// If t is empty, then (NOT_KEY32, nil) is returned.
func (t *T) Max() (k int32, d interface{}

// Glb returns the greatest-lower-bound-exclusive of x and the associated
// data.  If x has no glb in the tree, then (NOT_KEY32, nil) is returned.
func (t *T) Glb(x int32) (k int32, d interface{}

// GlbEq returns the greatest-lower-bound-inclusive of x and the associated
// data.  If x has no glbEQ in the tree, then (NOT_KEY32, nil) is returned.
func (t *T) GlbEq(x int32) (k int32, d interface{}

// Lub returns the least-upper-bound-exclusive of x and the associated
// data.  If x has no lub in the tree, then (NOT_KEY32, nil) is returned.
func (t *T) Lub(x int32) (k int32, d interface{}

// LubEq returns the least-upper-bound-inclusive of x and the associated
// data.  If x has no lubEq in the tree, then (NOT_KEY32, nil) is returned.
func (t *T) LubEq(x int32) (k int32, d interface{}

func (t *node32) isLeaf() bool {}

func (t *node32) visitInOrder(f func(int32, interface{}

func (t *node32) find(key int32) *node32 {}

func (t *node32) min() *node32 {}

func (t *node32) max() *node32 {}

func (t *node32) glb(key int32, allow_eq bool) *node32 {}

func (t *node32) lub(key int32, allow_eq bool) *node32 {}

func (t *node32) aInsert(x int32) (newroot, newnode, oldnode *node32) {}

func (t *node32) aDelete(key int32) (deleted, newSubTree *node32) {}

func (t *node32) aDeleteMin() (deleted, newSubTree *node32) {}

func (t *node32) aDeleteMax() (deleted, newSubTree *node32) {}

func (t *node32) aRebalanceAfterLeftDeletion(oldLeftHeight int8, tleft *node32) *node32 {}

func (t *node32) aRebalanceAfterRightDeletion(oldRightHeight int8, tright *node32) *node32 {}

// aRightIsHigh does rotations necessary to fix a high right child
// assume that t and t.right are already fresh copies.
func (t *node32) aRightIsHigh(newnode *node32) *node32 {}

// aLeftIsHigh does rotations necessary to fix a high left child
// assume that t and t.left are already fresh copies.
func (t *node32) aLeftIsHigh(newnode *node32) *node32 {}

// rightToRoot does that rotation, modifying t and t.right in the process.
func (t *node32) rightToRoot() *node32 {}

// leftToRoot does that rotation, modifying t and t.left in the process.
func (t *node32) leftToRoot() *node32 {}

func (t *node32) copy() *node32 {}