
var isPlan9

const dzBlocks

const dzBlockLen

const dzBlockSize

const dzMovSize

const dzLeaqSize

const dzClearStep

const dzClearLen

const dzSize

// dzOff returns the offset for a jump into DUFFZERO.
// b is the number of bytes to zero.
func dzOff(b int64) int64 {}

// duffzeroDI returns the pre-adjustment to DI for a call to DUFFZERO.
// b is the number of bytes to zero.
func dzDI(b int64) int64 {}

func zerorange(pp *objw.Progs, p *obj.Prog, off, cnt int64, state *uint32) *obj.Prog {}

func ginsnop(pp *objw.Progs) *obj.Prog {}