
var atExitFuncs

func AtExit(f func()) {}

func Exit(code int) {}

const EnableTrace

// forEachGC calls fn each GC cycle until it returns false.
func forEachGC(fn func() bool) {}

// AdjustStartingHeap modifies GOGC so that GC should not occur until the heap
// grows to the requested size.  This is intended but not promised, though it
// is true-mostly, depending on when the adjustment occurs and on the
// compiler's input and behavior.  Once this size is approximately reached
// GOGC is reset to 100; subsequent GCs may reduce the heap below the requested
// size, but this function does not affect that.
// -d=gcadjust=1 enables logging of GOGC adjustment events.
// NOTE: If you think this code would help startup time in your own
// application and you decide to use it, please benchmark first to see if it
// actually works for you (it may not: the Go compiler is not typical), and
// whatever the outcome, please leave a comment on bug #56546.  This code
// uses supported interfaces, but depends more than we like on
// current+observed behavior of the garbage collector, so if many people need
// this feature, we should consider/propose a better way to accomplish it.
func AdjustStartingHeap(requestedHeapGoal uint64) {}