
func usage() {}

var Flag

type CountFlag

type CmdFlags

func addEnv(s string) {}

// ParseFlags parses the command-line flags into Flag.
func ParseFlags() {}

// registerFlags adds flag registrations for all the fields in Flag.
// See the comment on type CmdFlags for the rules.
func registerFlags() {}

// concurrentFlagOk reports whether the current compiler flags
// are compatible with concurrent compilation.
func concurrentFlagOk() bool {}

func concurrentBackendAllowed() bool {}

func addImportDir(dir string) {}

func readImportCfg(file string) {}

func readCoverageCfg(file string) {}

func readEmbedCfg(file string) {}

// parseSpectre parses the spectre configuration from the string s.
func parseSpectre(s string) {}