
func init() {}

func makePos(b *src.PosBase, line, col uint) src.XPos {}

type profileBuilder

func newProfileBuilder() *profileBuilder {}

// Profile returns the constructed profile.
func (p *profileBuilder) Profile() *pgoir.Profile {}

// NewNode creates a new IRNode and adds it to the profile.
// fn may be nil, in which case the node will set LinkerSymbolName.
func (p *profileBuilder) NewNode(name string, fn *ir.Func) *pgoir.IRNode {}

// Add a new call edge from caller to callee.
func addEdge(caller, callee *pgoir.IRNode, offset int, weight int64) {}

// Create a new struct type named structName with a method named methName and
// return the method.
func makeStructWithMethod(pkg *types.Pkg, structName, methName string) *ir.Func {}

func TestFindHotConcreteInterfaceCallee(t *testing.T) {}

func TestFindHotConcreteFunctionCallee(t *testing.T) {}