
// call evaluates a call expressions, including builtin calls. ks
// should contain the holes representing where the function callee's
// results flows.
func (e *escape) call(ks []hole, call ir.Node) {}

// goDeferStmt analyzes a "go" or "defer" statement.
func (e *escape) goDeferStmt(n *ir.GoDeferStmt) {}

// rewriteArgument rewrites the argument arg of the given call expression.
// fn is the static callee function, if known.
func (e *escape) rewriteArgument(arg ir.Node, call *ir.CallExpr, fn *ir.Name) {}

// copyExpr creates and returns a new temporary variable within fn;
// appends statements to init to declare and initialize it to expr;
// and escape analyzes the data flow.
func (e *escape) copyExpr(pos src.XPos, expr ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes) *ir.Name {}

// tagHole returns a hole for evaluating an argument passed to param.
// ks should contain the holes representing where the function
// callee's results flows. fn is the statically-known callee function,
// if any.
func (e *escape) tagHole(ks []hole, fn *ir.Name, param *types.Field) hole {}