
type leaks

const leakHeap

const leakMutator

const leakCallee

const leakResult0

const numEscResults

// Heap returns the minimum deref count of any assignment flow from l
// to the heap. If no such flows exist, Heap returns -1.
func (l leaks) Heap() int {}

// Mutator returns the minimum deref count of any assignment flow from
// l to the pointer operand of an indirect assignment statement. If no
// such flows exist, Mutator returns -1.
func (l leaks) Mutator() int {}

// Callee returns the minimum deref count of any assignment flow from
// l to the callee operand of call expression. If no such flows exist,
// Callee returns -1.
func (l leaks) Callee() int {}

// Result returns the minimum deref count of any assignment flow from
// l to its function's i'th result parameter. If no such flows exist,
// Result returns -1.
func (l leaks) Result(i int) int {}

// AddHeap adds an assignment flow from l to the heap.
func (l *leaks) AddHeap(derefs int) {}

// AddMutator adds a flow from l to the mutator (i.e., a pointer
// operand of an indirect assignment statement).
func (l *leaks) AddMutator(derefs int) {}

// AddCallee adds an assignment flow from l to the callee operand of a
// call expression.
func (l *leaks) AddCallee(derefs int) {}

// AddResult adds an assignment flow from l to its function's i'th
// result parameter.
func (l *leaks) AddResult(i, derefs int) {}

func (l leaks) get(i int) int {}

func (l *leaks) add(i, derefs int) {}

func (l *leaks) set(i, derefs int) {}

// Optimize removes result flow paths that are equal in length or
// longer than the shortest heap flow path.
func (l *leaks) Optimize() {}

var leakTagCache

// Encode converts l into a binary string for export data.
func (l leaks) Encode() string {}

// parseLeaks parses a binary string representing a leaks.
func parseLeaks(s string) leaks {}