
const modeCompilerObj

const modeLinkerObj

func dumpobj() {}

func dumpobj1(outfile string, mode int) {}

func printObjHeader(bout *bio.Writer) {}

func startArchiveEntry(bout *bio.Writer) int64 {}

func finishArchiveEntry(bout *bio.Writer, start int64, name string) {}

func dumpCompilerObj(bout *bio.Writer) {}

func dumpdata() {}

func dumpLinkerObj(bout *bio.Writer) {}

func dumpGlobal(n *ir.Name) {}

func dumpGlobalConst(n *ir.Name) {}

// addGCLocals adds gcargs, gclocals, gcregs, and stack object symbols to Ctxt.Data.
// This is done during the sequential phase after compilation, since
// global symbols can't be declared during parallel compilation.
func addGCLocals() {}

func ggloblnod(nam *ir.Name) {}

func dumpembeds() {}