
const inlineMaxBudget

const inlineExtraAppendCost

const inlineExtraCallCost

const inlineParamCallCost

const inlineExtraPanicCost

const inlineExtraThrowCost

const inlineBigFunctionNodes

const inlineBigFunctionMaxCost

var candHotCalleeMap

var hasHotCall

var candHotEdgeMap

var inlineHotCallSiteThresholdPercent

var inlineCDFHotCallSiteThresholdPercent

var inlineHotMaxBudget

func IsPgoHotFunc(fn *ir.Func, profile *pgoir.Profile) bool {}

func HasPgoHotInline(fn *ir.Func) bool {}

// PGOInlinePrologue records the hot callsites from ir-graph.
func PGOInlinePrologue(p *pgoir.Profile) {}

// hotNodesFromCDF computes an edge weight threshold and the list of hot
// nodes that make up the given percentage of the CDF. The threshold, as
// a percent, is the lower bound of weight for nodes to be considered hot
// (currently only used in debug prints) (in case of equal weights,
// comparing with the threshold may not accurately reflect which nodes are
// considered hot).
func hotNodesFromCDF(p *pgoir.Profile) (float64, []pgo.NamedCallEdge) {}

// CanInlineFuncs computes whether a batch of functions are inlinable.
func CanInlineFuncs(funcs []*ir.Func, profile *pgoir.Profile) {}

// inlineBudget determines the max budget for function 'fn' prior to
// analyzing the hairiness of the body of 'fn'. We pass in the pgo
// profile if available (which can change the budget), also a
// 'relaxed' flag, which expands the budget slightly to allow for the
// possibility that a call to the function might have its score
// adjusted downwards. If 'verbose' is set, then print a remark where
// we boost the budget due to PGO.
func inlineBudget(fn *ir.Func, profile *pgoir.Profile, relaxed bool, verbose bool) int32 {}

// CanInline determines whether fn is inlineable.
// If so, CanInline saves copies of fn.Body and fn.Dcl in fn.Inl.
// fn and fn.Body will already have been typechecked.
func CanInline(fn *ir.Func, profile *pgoir.Profile) {}

// noteInlinableFunc issues a message to the user that the specified
// function is inlinable.
func noteInlinableFunc(n *ir.Name, fn *ir.Func, cost int32) {}

// InlineImpossible returns a non-empty reason string if fn is impossible to
// inline regardless of cost or contents.
func InlineImpossible(fn *ir.Func) string {}

// canDelayResults reports whether inlined calls to fn can delay
// declaring the result parameter until the "return" statement.
func canDelayResults(fn *ir.Func) bool {}

type hairyVisitor

func (v *hairyVisitor) tooHairy(fn *ir.Func) bool {}

// doNode visits n and its children, updates the state in v, and returns true if
// n makes the current function too hairy for inlining.
func (v *hairyVisitor) doNode(n ir.Node) bool {}

// IsBigFunc reports whether fn is a "big" function.
// Note: The criteria for "big" is heuristic and subject to change.
func IsBigFunc(fn *ir.Func) bool {}

// TryInlineCall returns an inlined call expression for call, or nil
// if inlining is not possible.
func TryInlineCall(callerfn *ir.Func, call *ir.CallExpr, bigCaller bool, profile *pgoir.Profile) *ir.InlinedCallExpr {}

// inlCallee takes a function-typed expression and returns the underlying function ONAME
// that it refers to if statically known. Otherwise, it returns nil.
func inlCallee(caller *ir.Func, fn ir.Node, profile *pgoir.Profile) (res *ir.Func) {}

var inlgen

var SSADumpInline

var InlineCall

// inlineCostOK returns true if call n from caller to callee is cheap enough to
// inline. bigCaller indicates that caller is a big function.
// In addition to the "cost OK" boolean, it also returns
//   - the "max cost" limit used to make the decision (which may differ depending on func size)
//   - the score assigned to this specific callsite
//   - whether the inlined function is "hot" according to PGO.
func inlineCostOK(n *ir.CallExpr, caller, callee *ir.Func, bigCaller bool) (bool, int32, int32, bool) {}

// canInlineCallExpr returns true if the call n from caller to callee
// can be inlined, plus the score computed for the call expr in question,
// and whether the callee is hot according to PGO.
// bigCaller indicates that caller is a big function. log
// indicates that the 'cannot inline' reason should be logged.
// Preconditions: CanInline(callee) has already been called.
func canInlineCallExpr(callerfn *ir.Func, n *ir.CallExpr, callee *ir.Func, bigCaller bool, log bool) (bool, int32, bool) {}

// mkinlcall returns an OINLCALL node that can replace OCALLFUNC n, or
// nil if it cannot be inlined. callerfn is the function that contains
// n, and fn is the function being called.
// The result of mkinlcall MUST be assigned back to n, e.g.
//	n.Left = mkinlcall(n.Left, fn, isddd)
func mkinlcall(callerfn *ir.Func, n *ir.CallExpr, fn *ir.Func, bigCaller bool) *ir.InlinedCallExpr {}

// CalleeEffects appends any side effects from evaluating callee to init.
func CalleeEffects(init *ir.Nodes, callee ir.Node) {}

func pruneUnusedAutos(ll []*ir.Name, vis *hairyVisitor) []*ir.Name {}

// numNonClosures returns the number of functions in list which are not closures.
func numNonClosures(list []*ir.Func) int {}

func doList(list []ir.Node, do func(ir.Node) bool) bool {}

// isIndexingCoverageCounter returns true if the specified node 'n' is indexing
// into a coverage counter array.
func isIndexingCoverageCounter(n ir.Node) bool {}

// isAtomicCoverageCounterUpdate examines the specified node to
// determine whether it represents a call to sync/atomic.AddUint32 to
// increment a coverage counter.
func isAtomicCoverageCounterUpdate(cn *ir.CallExpr) bool {}

func PostProcessCallSites(profile *pgoir.Profile) {}

func analyzeFuncProps(fn *ir.Func, p *pgoir.Profile) {}