
type callSiteAnalyzer

type callSiteTableBuilder

func makeCallSiteAnalyzer(fn *ir.Func) *callSiteAnalyzer {}

func makeCallSiteTableBuilder(fn *ir.Func, cstab CallSiteTab, ptab map[ir.Node]pstate, loopNestingLevel int, nf *nameFinder) *callSiteTableBuilder {}

// computeCallSiteTable builds and returns a table of call sites for
// the specified region in function fn. A region here corresponds to a
// specific subtree within the AST for a function. The main intended
// use cases are for 'region' to be either A) an entire function body,
// or B) an inlined call expression.
func computeCallSiteTable(fn *ir.Func, region ir.Nodes, cstab CallSiteTab, ptab map[ir.Node]pstate, loopNestingLevel int, nf *nameFinder) CallSiteTab {}

func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) flagsForNode(call *ir.CallExpr) CSPropBits {}

// determinePanicPathBits updates the CallSiteOnPanicPath bit within
// "r" if we think this call is on an unconditional path to
// panic/exit. Do this by walking back up the node stack to see if we
// can find either A) an enclosing panic, or B) a statement node that
// we've determined leads to a panic/exit.
func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) determinePanicPathBits(call ir.Node, r CSPropBits) CSPropBits {}

// propsForArg returns property bits for a given call argument expression arg.
func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) propsForArg(arg ir.Node) ActualExprPropBits {}

// argPropsForCall returns a slice of argument properties for the
// expressions being passed to the callee in the specific call
// expression; these will be stored in the CallSite object for a given
// call and then consulted when scoring. If no arg has any interesting
// properties we try to save some space and return a nil slice.
func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) argPropsForCall(ce *ir.CallExpr) []ActualExprPropBits {}

func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) addCallSite(callee *ir.Func, call *ir.CallExpr) {}

func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) nodeVisitPre(n ir.Node) {}

func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) nodeVisitPost(n ir.Node) {}

func loopBody(n ir.Node) ir.Nodes {}

// hasTopLevelLoopBodyReturnOrBreak examines the body of a "for" or
// "range" loop to try to verify that it is a real loop, as opposed to
// a construct that is syntactically loopy but doesn't actually iterate
// multiple times, like:
//	for {
//	  blah()
//	  return 1
//	}
// [Remark: the pattern above crops up quite a bit in the source code
// for the compiler itself, e.g. the auto-generated rewrite code]
// Note that we don't look for GOTO statements here, so it's possible
// we'll get the wrong result for a loop with complicated control
// jumps via gotos.
func hasTopLevelLoopBodyReturnOrBreak(loopBody ir.Nodes) bool {}

// containingAssignment returns the top-level assignment statement
// for a statement level function call "n". Examples:
//	x := foo()
//	x, y := bar(z, baz())
//	if blah() { ...
// Here the top-level assignment statement for the foo() call is the
// statement assigning to "x"; the top-level assignment for "bar()"
// call is the assignment to x,y. For the baz() and blah() calls,
// there is no top level assignment statement.
// The unstated goal here is that we want to use the containing
// assignment to establish a connection between a given call and the
// variables to which its results/returns are being assigned.
// Note that for the "bar" command above, the front end sometimes
// decomposes this into two assignments, the first one assigning the
// call to a pair of auto-temps, then the second one assigning the
// auto-temps to the user-visible vars. This helper will return the
// second (outer) of these two.
func (cstb *callSiteTableBuilder) containingAssignment(n ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// UpdateCallsiteTable handles updating of callerfn's call site table
// after an inlined has been carried out, e.g. the call at 'n' as been
// turned into the inlined call expression 'ic' within function
// callerfn. The chief thing of interest here is to make sure that any
// call nodes within 'ic' are added to the call site table for
// 'callerfn' and scored appropriately.
func UpdateCallsiteTable(callerfn *ir.Func, n *ir.CallExpr, ic *ir.InlinedCallExpr) {}