
type funcFlagsAnalyzer

type pstate

const psNoInfo

const psCallsPanic

const psMayReturn

const psTop

func makeFuncFlagsAnalyzer(fn *ir.Func) *funcFlagsAnalyzer {}

// setResults transfers func flag results to 'funcProps'.
func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) setResults(funcProps *FuncProps) {}

func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) getState(n ir.Node) pstate {}

func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) setState(n ir.Node, st pstate) {}

func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) updateState(n ir.Node, st pstate) {}

func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) panicPathTable() map[ir.Node]pstate {}

// blockCombine merges together states as part of a linear sequence of
// statements, where 'pred' and 'succ' are analysis results for a pair
// of consecutive statements. Examples:
//	case 1:             case 2:
//	    panic("foo")      if q { return x }        <-pred
//	    return x          panic("boo")             <-succ
// In case 1, since the pred state is "always panic" it doesn't matter
// what the succ state is, hence the state for the combination of the
// two blocks is "always panics". In case 2, because there is a path
// to return that avoids the panic in succ, the state for the
// combination of the two statements is "may return".
func blockCombine(pred, succ pstate) pstate {}

// branchCombine combines two states at a control flow branch point where
// either p1 or p2 executes (as in an "if" statement).
func branchCombine(p1, p2 pstate) pstate {}

// stateForList walks through a list of statements and computes the
// state/disposition for the entire list as a whole, as well
// as updating disposition of intermediate nodes.
func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) stateForList(list ir.Nodes) pstate {}

func isMainMain(fn *ir.Func) bool {}

func isWellKnownFunc(s *types.Sym, pkg, name string) bool {}

// isExitCall reports TRUE if the node itself is an unconditional
// call to os.Exit(), a panic, or a function that does likewise.
func isExitCall(n ir.Node) bool {}

// pessimize is called to record the fact that we saw something in the
// function that renders it entirely impossible to analyze.
func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) pessimize() {}

// shouldVisit reports TRUE if this is an interesting node from the
// perspective of computing function flags. NB: due to the fact that
// ir.CallExpr implements the Stmt interface, we wind up visiting
// a lot of nodes that we don't really need to, but these can
// simply be screened out as part of the visit.
func shouldVisit(n ir.Node) bool {}

// nodeVisitPost helps implement the propAnalyzer interface; when
// called on a given node, it decides the disposition of that node
// based on the state(s) of the node's children.
func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) nodeVisitPost(n ir.Node) {}

func (ffa *funcFlagsAnalyzer) nodeVisitPre(n ir.Node) {}