
type CallSite

type CallSiteTab

type ActualExprPropBits

const ActualExprConstant

const ActualExprIsConcreteConvIface

const ActualExprIsFunc

const ActualExprIsInlinableFunc

type CSPropBits

const CallSiteInLoop

const CallSiteOnPanicPath

const CallSiteInInitFunc

type csAuxBits

const csAuxInlined

type encodedCallSiteTab

type propsAndScore

func (pas propsAndScore) String() string {}

func (cst CallSiteTab) merge(other CallSiteTab) error {}

func fmtFullPos(p src.XPos) string {}

func EncodeCallSiteKey(cs *CallSite) string {}

func buildEncodedCallSiteTab(tab CallSiteTab) encodedCallSiteTab {}

// dumpCallSiteComments emits comments into the dump file for the
// callsites in the function of interest. If "ecst" is non-nil, we use
// that, otherwise generated a fresh encodedCallSiteTab from "tab".
func dumpCallSiteComments(w io.Writer, tab CallSiteTab, ecst encodedCallSiteTab) {}