
var remasterflag

func TestFuncProperties(t *testing.T) {}

func propBitsToString[T interface{}

func compareEntries(t *testing.T, tc string, dentry *fnInlHeur, dcsites encodedCallSiteTab, eentry *fnInlHeur, ecsites encodedCallSiteTab) {}

type dumpReader

// readDump reads in the contents of a dump file produced
// by the "-d=dumpinlfuncprops=..." command line flag by the Go
// compiler. It breaks the dump down into separate sections
// by function, then deserializes each func section into a
// fnInlHeur object and returns a slice of those objects.
func readDump(t *testing.T, path string) ([]fnInlHeur, []encodedCallSiteTab, error) {}

func (dr *dumpReader) scan() bool {}

func (dr *dumpReader) curLine() string {}

// readObjBlob reads in a series of commented lines until
// it hits a delimiter, then returns the contents of the comments.
func (dr *dumpReader) readObjBlob(delim string) (string, error) {}

// readEntry reads a single function's worth of material from
// a file produced by the "-d=dumpinlfuncprops=..." command line
// flag. It deserializes the json for the func properties and
// returns the resulting properties and function name. EOF is
// signaled by a nil FuncProps return (with no error
func (dr *dumpReader) readEntry() (fnInlHeur, encodedCallSiteTab, error) {}

// gatherPropsDumpForFile builds the specified testcase 'testcase' from
// testdata/props passing the "-d=dumpinlfuncprops=..." compiler option,
// to produce a properties dump, then returns the path of the newly
// created file. NB: we can't use "go tool compile" here, since
// some of the test cases import stdlib packages (such as "os").
// This means using "go build", which is problematic since the
// Go command can potentially cache the results of the compile step,
// causing the test to fail when being run interactively. E.g.
//	$ rm -f dump.txt
//	$ go build -o foo.a -gcflags=-d=dumpinlfuncprops=dump.txt foo.go
//	$ rm -f dump.txt foo.a
//	$ go build -o foo.a -gcflags=-d=dumpinlfuncprops=dump.txt foo.go
//	$ ls foo.a dump.txt > /dev/null
//	ls : cannot access 'dump.txt': No such file or directory
//	$
// For this reason, pick a unique filename for the dump, so as to
// defeat the caching.
func gatherPropsDumpForFile(t *testing.T, testcase string, td string) (string, error) {}

// genExpected reads in a given Go testcase file, strips out all the
// unindented (column 0) commands, writes them out to a new file, and
// returns the path of that new file. By picking out just the comments
// from the Go file we wind up with something that resembles the
// output from a "-d=dumpinlfuncprops=..." compilation.
func genExpected(td string, testcase string) (string, error) {}

type upexState

func mkUpexState(dentries []fnInlHeur) *upexState {}

// updateExpected takes a given Go testcase file X.go and writes out a
// new/updated version of the file to X.go.new, where the column-0
// "expected" comments have been updated using fresh data from
// "dentries".
// Writing of expected results is complicated by closures and by
// generics, where you can have multiple functions that all share the
// same starting line. Currently we combine up all the dups and
// closures into the single pre-func comment.
func updateExpected(t *testing.T, testcase string, dentries []fnInlHeur, dcsites []encodedCallSiteTab) {}

// interestingToCompare returns TRUE if we want to compare results
// for function 'fname'.
func interestingToCompare(fname string) bool {}