
type scoreAdjustTyp

const panicPathAdj

const initFuncAdj

const inLoopAdj

const passConstToIfAdj

const passConstToNestedIfAdj

const passConcreteToItfCallAdj

const passConcreteToNestedItfCallAdj

const passFuncToIndCallAdj

const passFuncToNestedIndCallAdj

const passInlinableFuncToIndCallAdj

const passInlinableFuncToNestedIndCallAdj

const returnFeedsConstToIfAdj

const returnFeedsFuncToIndCallAdj

const returnFeedsInlinableFuncToIndCallAdj

const returnFeedsConcreteToInterfaceCallAdj

const sentinelScoreAdj

var adjValues

// SetupScoreAdjustments interprets the value of the -d=inlscoreadj
// debugging option, if set. The value of this flag is expected to be
// a series of "/"-separated clauses of the form adj1:value1. Example:
// -d=inlscoreadj=inLoopAdj=0/passConstToIfAdj=-99
func SetupScoreAdjustments() {}

func adjStringToVal(s string) (scoreAdjustTyp, bool) {}

func parseScoreAdj(val string) error {}

func adjValue(x scoreAdjustTyp) int {}

var mayMustAdj

func isMay(x scoreAdjustTyp) bool {}

func isMust(x scoreAdjustTyp) bool {}

func mayToMust(x scoreAdjustTyp) scoreAdjustTyp {}

func mustToMay(x scoreAdjustTyp) scoreAdjustTyp {}

// computeCallSiteScore takes a given call site whose ir node is
// 'call' and callee function is 'callee' and with previously computed
// call site properties 'csflags', then computes a score for the
// callsite that combines the size cost of the callee with heuristics
// based on previously computed argument and function properties,
// then stores the score and the adjustment mask in the appropriate
// fields in 'cs'
func (cs *CallSite) computeCallSiteScore(csa *callSiteAnalyzer, calleeProps *FuncProps) {}

func adjustScore(typ scoreAdjustTyp, score int, mask scoreAdjustTyp) (int, scoreAdjustTyp) {}

var resultFlagToPositiveAdj

var paramFlagToPositiveAdj

func setupFlagToAdjMaps() {}

// LargestNegativeScoreAdjustment tries to estimate the largest possible
// negative score adjustment that could be applied to a call of the
// function with the specified props. Example:
//	func foo() {                  func bar(x int, p *int) int {
//	   ...                          if x < 0 { *p = x }
//	}                               return 99
//	                              }
// Function 'foo' above on the left has no interesting properties,
// thus as a result the most we'll adjust any call to is the value for
// "call in loop". If the calculated cost of the function is 150, and
// the in-loop adjustment is 5 (for example), then there is not much
// point treating it as inlinable. On the other hand "bar" has a param
// property (parameter "x" feeds unmodified to an "if" statement) and
// a return property (always returns same constant) meaning that a
// given call _could_ be rescored down as much as -35 points-- thus if
// the size of "bar" is 100 (for example) then there is at least a
// chance that scoring will enable inlining.
func LargestNegativeScoreAdjustment(fn *ir.Func, props *FuncProps) int {}

// LargestPositiveScoreAdjustment tries to estimate the largest possible
// positive score adjustment that could be applied to a given callsite.
// At the moment we don't have very many positive score adjustments, so
// this is just hard-coded, not table-driven.
func LargestPositiveScoreAdjustment(fn *ir.Func) int {}

var callSiteTab

var scoreCallsCache

type scoreCallsCacheType

// ScoreCalls assigns numeric scores to each of the callsites in
// function 'fn'; the lower the score, the more helpful we think it
// will be to inline.
// Unlike a lot of the other inline heuristics machinery, callsite
// scoring can't be done as part of the CanInline call for a function,
// due to fact that we may be working on a non-trivial SCC. So for
// example with this SCC:
//	func foo(x int) {           func bar(x int, f func()) {
//	  if x != 0 {                  f()
//	    bar(x, func(){})           foo(x-1)
//	  }                         }
//	}
// We don't want to perform scoring for the 'foo' call in "bar" until
// after foo has been analyzed, but it's conceivable that CanInline
// might visit bar before foo for this SCC.
func ScoreCalls(fn *ir.Func) {}

// scoreCallsRegion assigns numeric scores to each of the callsites in
// region 'region' within function 'fn'. This can be called on
// an entire function, or with 'region' set to a chunk of
// code corresponding to an inlined call.
func (csa *callSiteAnalyzer) scoreCallsRegion(fn *ir.Func, region ir.Nodes, cstab CallSiteTab, doCallResults bool, ic *ir.InlinedCallExpr) {}

// ScoreCallsCleanup resets the state of the callsite cache
// once ScoreCalls is done with a function.
func ScoreCallsCleanup() {}

// GetCallSiteScore returns the previously calculated score for call
// within fn.
func GetCallSiteScore(fn *ir.Func, call *ir.CallExpr) (int, bool) {}

// BudgetExpansion returns the amount to relax/expand the base
// inlining budget when the new inliner is turned on; the inliner
// will add the returned value to the hairiness budget.
// Background: with the new inliner, the score for a given callsite
// can be adjusted down by some amount due to heuristics, however we
// won't know whether this is going to happen until much later after
// the CanInline call. This function returns the amount to relax the
// budget initially (to allow for a large score adjustment); later on
// in RevisitInlinability we'll look at each individual function to
// demote it if needed.
func BudgetExpansion(maxBudget int32) int32 {}

var allCallSites

// DumpInlCallSiteScores is invoked by the inliner if the debug flag
// "-d=dumpinlcallsitescores" is set; it dumps out a human-readable
// summary of all (potentially) inlinable callsites in the package,
// along with info on call site scoring and the adjustments made to a
// given score. Here profile is the PGO profile in use (may be
// nil), budgetCallback is a callback that can be invoked to find out
// the original pre-adjustment hairiness limit for the function, and
// inlineHotMaxBudget is the constant of the same name used in the
// inliner. Sample output lines:
// Score  Adjustment  Status  Callee  CallerPos ScoreFlags
// 115    40          DEMOTED cmd/compile/internal/abi.(*ABIParamAssignment).Offset     expand_calls.go:1679:14|6       panicPathAdj
// 76     -5n         PROMOTED runtime.persistentalloc   mcheckmark.go:48:45|3   inLoopAdj
// 201    0           --- PGO  unicode.DecodeRuneInString        utf8.go:312:30|1
// 7      -5          --- PGO  internal/abi.Name.DataChecked     type.go:625:22|0        inLoopAdj
// In the dump above, "Score" is the final score calculated for the
// callsite, "Adjustment" is the amount added to or subtracted from
// the original hairiness estimate to form the score. "Status" shows
// whether anything changed with the site -- did the adjustment bump
// it down just below the threshold ("PROMOTED") or instead bump it
// above the threshold ("DEMOTED"); this will be blank ("---") if no
// threshold was crossed as a result of the heuristics. Note that
// "Status" also shows whether PGO was involved. "Callee" is the name
// of the function called, "CallerPos" is the position of the
// callsite, and "ScoreFlags" is a digest of the specific properties
// we used to make adjustments to callsite score via heuristics.
func DumpInlCallSiteScores(profile *pgoir.Profile, budgetCallback func(fn *ir.Func, profile *pgoir.Profile) (int32, bool)) {}