
// NewBool returns an OLITERAL representing b as an untyped boolean.
func NewBool(pos src.XPos, b bool) Node {}

// NewInt returns an OLITERAL representing v as an untyped integer.
func NewInt(pos src.XPos, v int64) Node {}

// NewString returns an OLITERAL representing s as an untyped string.
func NewString(pos src.XPos, s string) Node {}

// NewUintptr returns an OLITERAL representing v as a uintptr.
func NewUintptr(pos src.XPos, v int64) Node {}

// NewZero returns a zero value of the given type.
func NewZero(pos src.XPos, typ *types.Type) Node {}

var intZero

var floatZero

var complexZero

// NewOne returns an OLITERAL representing 1 with the given type.
func NewOne(pos src.XPos, typ *types.Type) Node {}

var intOne

var floatOne

var complexOne

const ConstPrec

func BigFloat(v constant.Value) *big.Float {}

// ConstOverflow reports whether constant value v is too large
// to represent with type t.
func ConstOverflow(v constant.Value, t *types.Type) bool {}

// IsConstNode reports whether n is a Go language constant (as opposed to a
// compile-time constant).
// Expressions derived from nil, like string([]byte(nil)), while they
// may be known at compile time, are not Go language constants.
func IsConstNode(n Node) bool {}

func IsSmallIntConst(n Node) bool {}