
// DumpAny is like FDumpAny but prints to stderr.
func DumpAny(root interface{}

// FDumpAny prints the structure of a rooted data structure
// to w by depth-first traversal of the data structure.
// The filter parameter is a regular expression. If it is
// non-empty, only struct fields whose names match filter
// are printed.
// The depth parameter controls how deep traversal recurses
// before it returns (higher value means greater depth).
// If an empty field filter is given, a good depth default value
// is 4. A negative depth means no depth limit, which may be fine
// for small data structures or if there is a non-empty filter.
// In the output, Node structs are identified by their Op name
// rather than their type; struct fields with zero values or
// non-matching field names are omitted, and "…" means recursion
// depth has been reached or struct fields have been omitted.
func FDumpAny(w io.Writer, root interface{}

type dumper

var indentBytes

func (p *dumper) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {}

// printf is a convenience wrapper.
func (p *dumper) printf(format string, args ...interface{}

// addr returns the (hexadecimal) address string of the object
// represented by x (or "?" if x is not addressable), with the
// common prefix between this and the prior address replaced by
// "0x…" to make it easier to visually match addresses.
func (p *dumper) addr(x reflect.Value) string {}

// dump prints the contents of x.
func (p *dumper) dump(x reflect.Value, depth int) {}

func commonPrefixLen(a, b string) (i int) {}