
type Func

type WasmImport

type WasmExport

// NewFunc returns a new Func with the given name and type.
// fpos is the position of the "func" token, and npos is the position
// of the name identifier.
// TODO(mdempsky): I suspect there's no need for separate fpos and
// npos.
func NewFunc(fpos, npos src.XPos, sym *types.Sym, typ *types.Type) *Func {}

func (f *Func) isStmt() {}

func (n *Func) copy() Node                                   {}

func (n *Func) doChildren(do func(Node) bool) bool           {}

func (n *Func) doChildrenWithHidden(do func(Node) bool) bool {}

func (n *Func) editChildren(edit func(Node) Node)            {}

func (n *Func) editChildrenWithHidden(edit func(Node) Node)  {}

func (f *Func) Type() *types.Type                {}

func (f *Func) Sym() *types.Sym                  {}

func (f *Func) Linksym() *obj.LSym               {}

func (f *Func) LinksymABI(abi obj.ABI) *obj.LSym {}

type Inline

type Mark

type ScopeID

const funcDupok

const funcWrapper

const funcABIWrapper

const funcNeedctxt

const funcHasDefer

const funcNilCheckDisabled

const funcInlinabilityChecked

const funcNeverReturns

const funcOpenCodedDeferDisallowed

const funcClosureResultsLost

const funcPackageInit

type SymAndPos

func (f *Func) Dupok() bool                    {}

func (f *Func) Wrapper() bool                  {}

func (f *Func) ABIWrapper() bool               {}

func (f *Func) Needctxt() bool                 {}

func (f *Func) HasDefer() bool                 {}

func (f *Func) NilCheckDisabled() bool         {}

func (f *Func) InlinabilityChecked() bool      {}

func (f *Func) NeverReturns() bool             {}

func (f *Func) OpenCodedDeferDisallowed() bool {}

func (f *Func) ClosureResultsLost() bool       {}

func (f *Func) IsPackageInit() bool            {}

func (f *Func) SetDupok(b bool)                    {}

func (f *Func) SetWrapper(b bool)                  {}

func (f *Func) SetABIWrapper(b bool)               {}

func (f *Func) SetNeedctxt(b bool)                 {}

func (f *Func) SetHasDefer(b bool)                 {}

func (f *Func) SetNilCheckDisabled(b bool)         {}

func (f *Func) SetInlinabilityChecked(b bool)      {}

func (f *Func) SetNeverReturns(b bool)             {}

func (f *Func) SetOpenCodedDeferDisallowed(b bool) {}

func (f *Func) SetClosureResultsLost(b bool)       {}

func (f *Func) SetIsPackageInit(b bool)            {}

func (f *Func) SetWBPos(pos src.XPos) {}

// IsClosure reports whether f is a function literal that captures at least one value.
func (f *Func) IsClosure() bool {}

// FuncName returns the name (without the package) of the function f.
func FuncName(f *Func) string {}

// PkgFuncName returns the name of the function referenced by f, with package
// prepended.
// This differs from the compiler's internal convention where local functions
// lack a package. This is primarily useful when the ultimate consumer of this
// is a human looking at message.
func PkgFuncName(f *Func) string {}

// LinkFuncName returns the name of the function f, as it will appear in the
// symbol table of the final linked binary.
func LinkFuncName(f *Func) string {}

// ParseLinkFuncName parsers a symbol name (as returned from LinkFuncName) back
// to the package path and local symbol name.
func ParseLinkFuncName(name string) (pkg, sym string, err error) {}

// Borrowed from x/mod.
func modPathOK(r rune) bool {}

func escapedImportPathOK(r rune) bool {}

// splitPkg splits the full linker symbol name into package and local symbol
// name.
func splitPkg(name string) (pkgpath, sym string) {}

var CurFunc

// WithFunc invokes do with CurFunc and base.Pos set to curfn and
// curfn.Pos(), respectively, and then restores their previous values
// before returning.
func WithFunc(curfn *Func, do func()) {}

func FuncSymName(s *types.Sym) string {}

// ClosureDebugRuntimeCheck applies boilerplate checks for debug flags
// and compiling runtime.
func ClosureDebugRuntimeCheck(clo *ClosureExpr) {}

var globClosgen

// closureName generates a new unique name for a closure within outerfn at pos.
func closureName(outerfn *Func, pos src.XPos, why Op) *types.Sym {}

// NewClosureFunc creates a new Func to represent a function literal
// with the given type.
// fpos the position used for the underlying ODCLFUNC and ONAME,
// whereas cpos is the position used for the OCLOSURE. They're
// separate because in the presence of inlining, the OCLOSURE node
// should have an inline-adjusted position, whereas the ODCLFUNC and
// ONAME must not.
// outerfn is the enclosing function. The returned function is
// appending to pkg.Funcs.
// why is the reason we're generating this Func. It can be OCLOSURE
// (for a normal function literal) or OGO or ODEFER (for wrapping a
// call expression that has parameters or results).
func NewClosureFunc(fpos, cpos src.XPos, why Op, typ *types.Type, outerfn *Func, pkg *Package) *Func {}

// IsFuncPCIntrinsic returns whether n is a direct call of internal/abi.FuncPCABIxxx functions.
func IsFuncPCIntrinsic(n *CallExpr) bool {}

// IsIfaceOfFunc inspects whether n is an interface conversion from a direct
// reference of a func. If so, it returns referenced Func; otherwise nil.
// This is only usable before walk.walkConvertInterface, which converts to an
func IsIfaceOfFunc(n Node) *Func {}

// FuncPC returns a uintptr-typed expression that evaluates to the PC of a
// function as uintptr, as returned by internal/abi.FuncPC{ABI0,ABIInternal}.
// n should be a Node of an interface type, as is passed to
// internal/abi.FuncPC{ABI0,ABIInternal}.
// TODO(prattmic): Since n is simply an interface{} there is no assertion that
// it is actually a function at all. Perhaps we should emit a runtime type
// assertion?
func FuncPC(pos src.XPos, n Node, wantABI obj.ABI) Node {}

// DeclareParams creates Names for all of the parameters in fn's
// signature and adds them to fn.Dcl.
// If setNname is true, then it also sets types.Field.Nname for each
// parameter.
func (fn *Func) DeclareParams(setNname bool) {}