
type Ident

func NewIdent(pos src.XPos, sym *types.Sym) *Ident {}

func (n *Ident) Sym() *types.Sym {}

type Name

func (n *Name) isExpr() {}

func (n *Name) copy() Node                                   {}

func (n *Name) doChildren(do func(Node) bool) bool           {}

func (n *Name) doChildrenWithHidden(do func(Node) bool) bool {}

func (n *Name) editChildren(edit func(Node) Node)            {}

func (n *Name) editChildrenWithHidden(edit func(Node) Node)  {}

// RecordFrameOffset records the frame offset for the name.
// It is used by package types when laying out function arguments.
func (n *Name) RecordFrameOffset(offset int64) {}

// NewNameAt returns a new ONAME Node associated with symbol s at position pos.
// The caller is responsible for setting Curfn.
func NewNameAt(pos src.XPos, sym *types.Sym, typ *types.Type) *Name {}

// NewBuiltin returns a new Name representing a builtin function,
// either predeclared or from package unsafe.
func NewBuiltin(sym *types.Sym, op Op) *Name {}

// NewLocal returns a new function-local variable with the given name and type.
func (fn *Func) NewLocal(pos src.XPos, sym *types.Sym, typ *types.Type) *Name {}

// NewDeclNameAt returns a new Name associated with symbol s at position pos.
// The caller is responsible for setting Curfn.
func NewDeclNameAt(pos src.XPos, op Op, sym *types.Sym) *Name {}

// NewConstAt returns a new OLITERAL Node associated with symbol s at position pos.
func NewConstAt(pos src.XPos, sym *types.Sym, typ *types.Type, val constant.Value) *Name {}

// newNameAt is like NewNameAt but allows sym == nil.
func newNameAt(pos src.XPos, op Op, sym *types.Sym) *Name {}

func (n *Name) Name() *Name            {}

func (n *Name) Sym() *types.Sym        {}

func (n *Name) SetSym(x *types.Sym)    {}

func (n *Name) SubOp() Op              {}

func (n *Name) SetSubOp(x Op)          {}

func (n *Name) SetFunc(x *Func)        {}

func (n *Name) FrameOffset() int64     {}

func (n *Name) SetFrameOffset(x int64) {}

func (n *Name) Linksym() *obj.LSym               {}

func (n *Name) LinksymABI(abi obj.ABI) *obj.LSym {}

func (*Name) CanBeNtype()    {}

func (*Name) CanBeAnSSASym() {}

func (*Name) CanBeAnSSAAux() {}

// Pragma returns the PragmaFlag for p, which must be for an OTYPE.
func (n *Name) Pragma() PragmaFlag {}

// SetPragma sets the PragmaFlag for p, which must be for an OTYPE.
func (n *Name) SetPragma(flag PragmaFlag) {}

// Alias reports whether p, which must be for an OTYPE, is a type alias.
func (n *Name) Alias() bool {}

// SetAlias sets whether p, which must be for an OTYPE, is a type alias.
func (n *Name) SetAlias(alias bool) {}

const nameReadonly

const nameByval

const nameNeedzero

const nameAutoTemp

const nameUsed

const nameIsClosureVar

const nameIsOutputParamHeapAddr

const nameIsOutputParamInRegisters

const nameAddrtaken

const nameInlFormal

const nameInlLocal

const nameOpenDeferSlot

const nameLibfuzzer8BitCounter

const nameCoverageAuxVar

const nameAlias

const nameNonMergeable

func (n *Name) Readonly() bool                 {}

func (n *Name) Needzero() bool                 {}

func (n *Name) AutoTemp() bool                 {}

func (n *Name) Used() bool                     {}

func (n *Name) IsClosureVar() bool             {}

func (n *Name) IsOutputParamHeapAddr() bool    {}

func (n *Name) IsOutputParamInRegisters() bool {}

func (n *Name) Addrtaken() bool                {}

func (n *Name) InlFormal() bool                {}

func (n *Name) InlLocal() bool                 {}

func (n *Name) OpenDeferSlot() bool            {}

func (n *Name) Libfuzzer8BitCounter() bool     {}

func (n *Name) CoverageAuxVar() bool           {}

func (n *Name) NonMergeable() bool             {}

func (n *Name) setReadonly(b bool)                 {}

func (n *Name) SetNeedzero(b bool)                 {}

func (n *Name) SetAutoTemp(b bool)                 {}

func (n *Name) SetUsed(b bool)                     {}

func (n *Name) SetIsClosureVar(b bool)             {}

func (n *Name) SetIsOutputParamHeapAddr(b bool)    {}

func (n *Name) SetIsOutputParamInRegisters(b bool) {}

func (n *Name) SetAddrtaken(b bool)                {}

func (n *Name) SetInlFormal(b bool)                {}

func (n *Name) SetInlLocal(b bool)                 {}

func (n *Name) SetOpenDeferSlot(b bool)            {}

func (n *Name) SetLibfuzzer8BitCounter(b bool)     {}

func (n *Name) SetCoverageAuxVar(b bool)           {}

func (n *Name) SetNonMergeable(b bool)             {}

// OnStack reports whether variable n may reside on the stack.
func (n *Name) OnStack() bool {}

// MarkReadonly indicates that n is an ONAME with readonly contents.
func (n *Name) MarkReadonly() {}

// Val returns the constant.Value for the node.
func (n *Name) Val() constant.Value {}

// SetVal sets the constant.Value for the node.
func (n *Name) SetVal(v constant.Value) {}

// Canonical returns the logical declaration that n represents. If n
// is a closure variable, then Canonical returns the original Name as
// it appears in the function that immediately contains the
// declaration. Otherwise, Canonical simply returns n itself.
func (n *Name) Canonical() *Name {}

func (n *Name) SetByval(b bool) {}

func (n *Name) Byval() bool {}

// NewClosureVar returns a new closure variable for fn to refer to
// outer variable n.
func NewClosureVar(pos src.XPos, fn *Func, n *Name) *Name {}

// NewHiddenParam returns a new hidden parameter for fn with the given
// name and type.
func NewHiddenParam(pos src.XPos, fn *Func, sym *types.Sym, typ *types.Type) *Name {}

// SameSource reports whether two nodes refer to the same source
// element.
// It exists to help incrementally migrate the compiler towards
// allowing the introduction of IdentExpr (#42990). Once we have
// IdentExpr, it will no longer be safe to directly compare Node
// values to tell if they refer to the same Name. Instead, code will
// need to explicitly get references to the underlying Name object(s),
// and compare those instead.
// It will still be safe to compare Nodes directly for checking if two
// nodes are syntactically the same. The SameSource function exists to
// indicate code that intentionally compares Nodes for syntactic
// equality as opposed to code that has yet to be updated in
// preparation for IdentExpr.
func SameSource(n1, n2 Node) bool {}

// Uses reports whether expression x is a (direct) use of the given
// variable.
func Uses(x Node, v *Name) bool {}

// DeclaredBy reports whether expression x refers (directly) to a
// variable that was declared by the given statement.
func DeclaredBy(x, stmt Node) bool {}

type Class

const Pxxx


const PAUTO


const PPARAM



const PFUNC

const _

type Embed