
type bottomUpVisitor

// VisitFuncsBottomUp invokes analyze on the ODCLFUNC nodes listed in list.
// It calls analyze with successive groups of functions, working from
// the bottom of the call graph upward. Each time analyze is called with
// a list of functions, every function on that list only calls other functions
// on the list or functions that have been passed in previous invocations of
// analyze. Closures appear in the same list as their outer functions.
// The lists are as short as possible while preserving those requirements.
// (In a typical program, many invocations of analyze will be passed just
// a single function.) The boolean argument 'recursive' passed to analyze
// specifies whether the functions on the list are mutually recursive.
// If recursive is false, the list consists of only a single function and its closures.
// If recursive is true, the list may still contain only a single function,
// if that function is itself recursive.
func VisitFuncsBottomUp(list []*Func, analyze func(list []*Func, recursive bool)) {}

func (v *bottomUpVisitor) visit(n *Func) uint32 {}