
const debugtrace

type Interval

type Intervals

func (i Interval) String() string {}

// TEMPORARY until bootstrap version catches up.
func imin(i, j int) int {}

// TEMPORARY until bootstrap version catches up.
func imax(i, j int) int {}

// Overlaps returns true if here is any overlap between i and i2.
func (i Interval) Overlaps(i2 Interval) bool {}

// adjacent returns true if the start of one interval is equal to the
// end of another interval (e.g. they represent consecutive ranges).
func (i1 Interval) adjacent(i2 Interval) bool {}

// MergeInto merges interval i2 into i1. This version happens to
// require that the two intervals either overlap or are adjacent.
func (i1 *Interval) MergeInto(i2 Interval) error {}

type IntervalsBuilder

func (c *IntervalsBuilder) last() int {}

func (c *IntervalsBuilder) setLast(x int) {}

func (c *IntervalsBuilder) Finish() (Intervals, error) {}

// Live method should be invoked on instruction at position p if instr
// contains an upwards-exposed use of a resource. See the example in
// the comment at the beginning of this file for an example.
func (c *IntervalsBuilder) Live(pos int) error {}

// Kill method should be invoked on instruction at position p if instr
// should be treated as having a kill (lifetime end) for the
// resource. See the example in the comment at the beginning of this
// file for an example. Note that if we see a kill at position K for a
// resource currently live since J, this will result in a lifetime
// segment of [K+1,J+1), the assumption being that the first live
// instruction will be the one after the kill position, not the kill
// position itself.
func (c *IntervalsBuilder) Kill(pos int) error {}

// check examines the intervals in "is" to try to find internal
// inconsistencies or problems.
func check(is Intervals) error {}

func (is *Intervals) String() string {}

type intWithIdx

func (iwi intWithIdx) done() bool {}

type pairVisitor

// init initializes a pairVisitor for the specified pair of intervals
// i1 and i2 and returns an intWithIdx object that points to the first
// interval by start position within i1/i2.
func (pv *pairVisitor) init(i1, i2 Intervals) intWithIdx {}

// nxt advances the pairVisitor to the next interval by starting
// position within the pair, returning an intWithIdx that describes
// the interval.
func (pv *pairVisitor) nxt() intWithIdx {}

// sel is a helper function used by 'init' and 'nxt' above; it selects
// the earlier of the two intervals at the current positions within i1
// and i2, or a degenerate (pairIndex -1) intWithIdx if we have no
// more intervals to visit.
func (pv *pairVisitor) sel() intWithIdx {}

// Overlaps returns whether any of the component ranges in is overlaps
// with some range in is2.
func (is Intervals) Overlaps(is2 Intervals) bool {}

// Merge combines the intervals from "is" and "is2" and returns
// a new Intervals object containing all combined ranges from the
// two inputs.
func (is Intervals) Merge(is2 Intervals) Intervals {}