
type MergeLocalsState

type candRegion

type cstate

// MergeLocals analyzes the specified ssa function f to determine which
// of its auto variables can safely share the same stack slot, returning
// a state object that describes how the overlap should be done.
func MergeLocals(fn *ir.Func, f *ssa.Func) *MergeLocalsState {}

// Subsumed returns whether variable n is subsumed, e.g. appears
// in an overlap position but is not the leader in that partition.
func (mls *MergeLocalsState) Subsumed(n *ir.Name) bool {}

// IsLeader returns whether a variable n is the leader (first element)
// in a sharing partition.
func (mls *MergeLocalsState) IsLeader(n *ir.Name) bool {}

// Leader returns the leader variable for subsumed var n.
func (mls *MergeLocalsState) Leader(n *ir.Name) *ir.Name {}

// Followers writes a list of the followers for leader n into the slice tmp.
func (mls *MergeLocalsState) Followers(n *ir.Name, tmp []*ir.Name) []*ir.Name {}

// EstSavings returns the estimated reduction in stack size (number of bytes) for
// the given merge locals state via a pair of ints, the first for non-pointer types and the second for pointer types.
func (mls *MergeLocalsState) EstSavings() (int, int) {}

// check tests for various inconsistencies and problems in mls,
// returning an error if any problems are found.
func (mls *MergeLocalsState) check() error {}

func (mls *MergeLocalsState) String() string {}

// collectMergeCandidates visits all of the AUTO vars declared in
// function fn and identifies a list of candidate variables for
// merging / overlapping. On return the "cands" field of cs will be
// filled in with our set of potentially overlappable candidate
// variables, the "regions" field will hold regions/sequence of
// compatible vars within the candidates list, "nameToSlot" field will
// be populated, and the "indirectUE" field will be filled in with
// information about indirect upwards-exposed uses in the func.
func (cs *cstate) collectMergeCandidates() {}

// genRegions generates a set of regions within cands corresponding
// to potentially overlappable/mergeable variables.
func (cs *cstate) genRegions(cands []*ir.Name) ([]*ir.Name, []candRegion) {}

func (cs *cstate) dumpFunc() {}

func (cs *cstate) dumpFuncIfSelected() {}

// setupHashBisection checks to see if any of the candidate
// variables have been de-selected by our hash debug. Here
// we also implement the -d=mergelocalshtrace flag, which turns
// on debug tracing only if we have at least two candidates
// selected by the hash debug for this function.
func (cs *cstate) setupHashBisection(cands []*ir.Name) {}

// populateIndirectUseTable creates and populates the "indirectUE" table
// within cs by doing some additional analysis of how the vars in
// cands are accessed in the function.
// It is possible to have situations where a given ir.Name is
// non-address-taken at the source level, but whose address is
// materialized in order to accommodate the needs of
// architecture-dependent operations or one sort or another (examples
// include things like LoweredZero/DuffZero, etc). The issue here is
// that the SymAddr op will show up as touching a variable of
// interest, but the subsequent memory op will not. This is generally
// not an issue for computing whether something is live across a call,
// but it is problematic for collecting the more fine-grained live
// interval info that drives stack slot merging.
// To handle this problem, make a forward pass over each basic block
// looking for instructions of the form vK := SymAddr(N) where N is a
// raw candidate. Create an entry in a map at that point from vK to
// its use count. Continue the walk, looking for uses of vK: when we
// see one, record it in a side table as an upwards exposed use of N.
// Each time we see a use, decrement the use count in the map, and if
// we hit zero, remove the map entry. If we hit the end of the basic
// block and we still have map entries, then evict the name in
// question from the candidate set.
func (cs *cstate) populateIndirectUseTable(cands []*ir.Name) ([]*ir.Name, []candRegion) {}

type nameCount

// nameLess compares ci with cj to see if ci should be less than cj in
// a relative ordering of candidate variables. This is used to sort
// vars by pointerness (variables with pointers first), then in order
// of decreasing alignment, then by decreasing size. We are assuming a
// merging algorithm that merges later entries in the list into
// earlier entries. An example ordered candidate list produced by
// nameLess:
//	idx   name    type       align    size
//	0:    abc     [10]*int   8        80
//	1:    xyz     [9]*int    8        72
//	2:    qrs     [2]*int    8        16
//	3:    tuv     [9]int     8        72
//	4:    wxy     [9]int32   4        36
//	5:    jkl     [8]int32   4        32
func nameLess(ci, cj *ir.Name) bool {}

// nextRegion starts at location idx and walks forward in the cands
// slice looking for variables that are "compatible" (potentially
// overlappable, in the sense that they could potentially share the
// stack slot of cands[idx]); it returns the end of the new region
// (range of compatible variables starting at idx).
func nextRegion(cands []*ir.Name, idx int) int {}

// mergeVisitRegion tries to perform overlapping of variables with a
// given subrange of cands described by st and en (indices into our
// candidate var list), where the variables within this range have
// already been determined to be compatible with respect to type,
// size, etc. Overlapping is done in a greedy fashion: we select the
// first element in the st->en range, then walk the rest of the
// elements adding in vars whose lifetimes don't overlap with the
// first element, then repeat the process until we run out of work.
// Ordering of the candidates within the region [st,en] is important;
// within the list the assumption is that if we overlap two variables
// X and Y where X precedes Y in the list, we need to make X the
// "leader" (keep X's slot and set Y's frame offset to X's) as opposed
// to the other way around, since it's possible that Y is smaller in
// size than X.
func (cs *cstate) mergeVisitRegion(mls *MergeLocalsState, st, en int) {}

// performMerging carries out variable merging within each of the
// candidate ranges in regions, returning a state object
// that describes the variable overlaps.
func (cs *cstate) performMerging() *MergeLocalsState {}

// computeIntervals performs a backwards sweep over the instructions
// of the function we're compiling, building up an Intervals object
// for each candidate variable by looking for upwards exposed uses
// and kills.
func (cs *cstate) computeIntervals() {}

func fmtFullPos(p src.XPos) string {}

func dumpCand(c *ir.Name, i int) {}

// for unit testing only.
func MakeMergeLocalsState(partition map[*ir.Name][]int, vars []*ir.Name) (*MergeLocalsState, error) {}