
type blockEffects

type liveness

type Map

func (m *Map) reset() {}

func (m *Map) set(v *ssa.Value, i objw.StackMapIndex) {}

func (m *Map) setUnsafeVal(v *ssa.Value) {}

func (m *Map) setUnsafeBlock(b *ssa.Block) {}

func (m Map) Get(v *ssa.Value) objw.StackMapIndex {}

func (m Map) GetUnsafe(v *ssa.Value) bool {}

func (m Map) GetUnsafeBlock(b *ssa.Block) bool {}

type progeffectscache

// shouldTrack reports whether the liveness analysis
// should track the variable n.
// We don't care about variables that have no pointers,
// nor do we care about non-local variables,
// nor do we care about empty structs (handled by the pointer check),
// nor do we care about the fake PAUTOHEAP variables.
func shouldTrack(n *ir.Name) bool {}

// getvariables returns the list of on-stack variables that we need to track
// and a map for looking up indices by *Node.
func getvariables(fn *ir.Func) ([]*ir.Name, map[*ir.Name]int32) {}

func (lv *liveness) initcache() {}

type liveEffect

const uevar

const varkill

// valueEffects returns the index of a variable in lv.vars and the
// liveness effects v has on that variable.
// If v does not affect any tracked variables, it returns -1, 0.
func (lv *liveness) valueEffects(v *ssa.Value) (int32, liveEffect) {}

// affectedVar returns the *ir.Name node affected by v.
func affectedVar(v *ssa.Value) (*ir.Name, ssa.SymEffect) {}

type livenessFuncCache

// Constructs a new liveness structure used to hold the global state of the
// liveness computation. The cfg argument is a slice of *BasicBlocks and the
// vars argument is a slice of *Nodes.
func newliveness(fn *ir.Func, f *ssa.Func, vars []*ir.Name, idx map[*ir.Name]int32, stkptrsize int64) *liveness {}

func (lv *liveness) blockEffects(b *ssa.Block) *blockEffects {}

// Generates live pointer value maps for arguments and local variables. The
// this argument and the in arguments are always assumed live. The vars
// argument is a slice of *Nodes.
func (lv *liveness) pointerMap(liveout bitvec.BitVec, vars []*ir.Name, args, locals bitvec.BitVec) {}

// IsUnsafe indicates that all points in this function are
// unsafe-points.
func IsUnsafe(f *ssa.Func) bool {}

// markUnsafePoints finds unsafe points and computes lv.unsafePoints.
func (lv *liveness) markUnsafePoints() {}

// Returns true for instructions that must have a stack map.
// This does not necessarily mean the instruction is a safe-point. In
// particular, call Values can have a stack map in case the callee
// grows the stack, but not themselves be a safe-point.
func (lv *liveness) hasStackMap(v *ssa.Value) bool {}

// Initializes the sets for solving the live variables. Visits all the
// instructions in each basic block to summarizes the information at each basic
// block
func (lv *liveness) prologue() {}

// Solve the liveness dataflow equations.
func (lv *liveness) solve() {}

// Visits all instructions in a basic block and computes a bit vector of live
// variables at each safe point locations.
func (lv *liveness) epilogue() {}

// Compact coalesces identical bitmaps from lv.livevars into the sets
// lv.stackMapSet.
// Compact clears lv.livevars.
// There are actually two lists of bitmaps, one list for the local variables and one
// list for the function arguments. Both lists are indexed by the same PCDATA
// index, so the corresponding pairs must be considered together when
// merging duplicates. The argument bitmaps change much less often during
// function execution than the local variable bitmaps, so it is possible that
// we could introduce a separate PCDATA index for arguments vs locals and
// then compact the set of argument bitmaps separately from the set of
// local variable bitmaps. As of 2014-04-02, doing this to the godoc binary
// is actually a net loss: we save about 50k of argument bitmaps but the new
// PCDATA tables cost about 100k. So for now we keep using a single index for
// both bitmap lists.
func (lv *liveness) compact(b *ssa.Block) {}

func (lv *liveness) enableClobber() {}

// Inserts code to clobber pointer slots in all the dead variables (locals and args)
// at every synchronous safepoint in b.
func (lv *liveness) clobber(b *ssa.Block) {}

// clobber generates code to clobber pointer slots in all dead variables
// (those not marked in live). Clobbering instructions are added to the end
// of b.Values.
func clobber(lv *liveness, b *ssa.Block, live bitvec.BitVec) {}

// clobberVar generates code to trash the pointers in v.
// Clobbering instructions are added to the end of b.Values.
func clobberVar(b *ssa.Block, v *ir.Name) {}

// b = block to which we append instructions
// v = variable
// offset = offset of (sub-portion of) variable to clobber (in bytes)
// t = type of sub-portion of v.
func clobberWalk(b *ssa.Block, v *ir.Name, offset int64, t *types.Type) {}

// clobberPtr generates a clobber of the pointer at offset offset in v.
// The clobber instruction is added at the end of b.
func clobberPtr(b *ssa.Block, v *ir.Name, offset int64) {}

func (lv *liveness) showlive(v *ssa.Value, live bitvec.BitVec) {}

func (lv *liveness) printbvec(printed bool, name string, live bitvec.BitVec) bool {}

// printeffect is like printbvec, but for valueEffects.
func (lv *liveness) printeffect(printed bool, name string, pos int32, x bool) bool {}

// Prints the computed liveness information and inputs, for debugging.
// This format synthesizes the information used during the multiple passes
// into a single presentation.
func (lv *liveness) printDebug() {}

// Dumps a slice of bitmaps to a symbol as a sequence of uint32 values. The
// first word dumped is the total number of bitmaps. The second word is the
// length of the bitmaps. All bitmaps are assumed to be of equal length. The
// remaining bytes are the raw bitmaps.
func (lv *liveness) emit() (argsSym, liveSym *obj.LSym) {}

// Entry pointer for Compute analysis. Solves for the Compute of
// pointer variables in the function and emits a runtime data
// structure read by the garbage collector.
// Returns a map from GC safe points to their corresponding stack map index,
// and a map that contains all input parameters that may be partially live.
func Compute(curfn *ir.Func, f *ssa.Func, stkptrsize int64, pp *objw.Progs) (Map, map[*ir.Name]bool) {}

func (lv *liveness) emitStackObjects() *obj.LSym {}

// isfat reports whether a variable of type t needs multiple assignments to initialize.
// For example:
//	type T struct { x, y int }
//	x := T{x: 0, y: 1}
// Then we need:
//	var t T
//	t.x = 0
//	t.y = 1
// to fully initialize t.
func isfat(t *types.Type) bool {}

// WriteFuncMap writes the pointer bitmaps for bodyless function fn's
// inputs and outputs as the value of symbol <fn>.args_stackmap.
// If fn has outputs, two bitmaps are written, otherwise just one.
func WriteFuncMap(fn *ir.Func, abiInfo *abi.ABIParamResultInfo) {}