
type VersionHeader

type DocumentURI

type Position

type Range

type Location

type DiagnosticRelatedInformation

type DiagnosticSeverity

const SeverityInformation

type DiagnosticTag

type Diagnostic

type LoggedOpt

type logFormat

const None

const Json0

var Format

var dest

// LogJsonOption parses and validates the version,directory value attached to the -json compiler flag.
func LogJsonOption(flagValue string) {}

// parseLogFlag checks the flag passed to -json
// for version,destination format and returns the two parts.
func parseLogFlag(flag, value string) (version int, directory string) {}

// isWindowsDriveURIPath returns true if the file URI is of the format used by
// Windows URIs. The url.Parse package does not specially handle Windows paths
// (see golang/go#6027), so we check if the URI path has a drive prefix (e.g. "/C:").
// (copied from tools/internal/span/uri.go)
// this is less comprehensive that the processing in filepath.IsAbs on Windows.
func isWindowsDriveURIPath(uri string) bool {}

func parseLogPath(destination string) (string, string) {}

// checkLogPath does superficial early checking of the string specifying
// the directory to which optimizer logging is directed, and if
// it passes the test, stores the string in LO_dir.
func checkLogPath(destination string) string {}

var loggedOpts

var mu

// NewLoggedOpt allocates a new LoggedOpt, to later be passed to either NewLoggedOpt or LogOpt as "args".
// Pos is the source position (including inlining), what is the message, pass is which pass created the message,
// funcName is the name of the function
// A typical use for this to accumulate an explanation for a missed optimization, for example, why did something escape?
func NewLoggedOpt(pos, lastPos src.XPos, what, pass, funcName string, args ...interface{}

// LogOpt logs information about a (usually missed) optimization performed by the compiler.
// Pos is the source position (including inlining), what is the message, pass is which pass created the message,
// funcName is the name of the function.
func LogOpt(pos src.XPos, what, pass, funcName string, args ...interface{}

// LogOptRange is the same as LogOpt, but includes the ability to express a range of positions,
// not just a point.
func LogOptRange(pos, lastPos src.XPos, what, pass, funcName string, args ...interface{}

// Enabled returns whether optimization logging is enabled.
func Enabled() bool {}

type byPos

func (x byPos) Len() int {}

func (x byPos) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (x byPos) Swap(i, j int) {}

func writerForLSP(subdirpath, file string) io.WriteCloser {}

func fixSlash(f string) string {}

func uriIfy(f string) DocumentURI {}

// Return filename, replacing a first occurrence of $GOROOT with the
// actual value of the GOROOT (because LSP does not speak "$GOROOT").
func uprootedPath(filename string) string {}

// FlushLoggedOpts flushes all the accumulated optimization log entries.
func FlushLoggedOpts(ctxt *obj.Link, slashPkgPath string) {}

// newRange returns a single-position Range for the compiler source location p.
func newRange(p, last src.Pos) Range {}

// newLocation returns the Location for the compiler source location p.
func newLocation(p, last src.Pos) Location {}

// appendInlinedPos extracts inlining information from posTmp and append it to diagnostic.
func appendInlinedPos(posTmp, lastTmp []src.Pos, diagnostic *Diagnostic) {}

// parsePos expands a src.XPos into a slice of src.Pos, with the outermost first.
// It returns the slice, and the outermost.
func parsePos(ctxt *obj.Link, pos src.XPos, posTmp []src.Pos) ([]src.Pos, src.Pos) {}