
type gcimports

func (m *gcimports) Import(path string) (*types2.Package, error) {}

func (m *gcimports) ImportFrom(path, srcDir string, mode types2.ImportMode) (*types2.Package, error) {}

func isDriveLetter(b byte) bool {}

// is this path a local name? begins with ./ or ../ or /
func islocalname(name string) bool {}

func openPackage(path string) (*os.File, error) {}

// resolveImportPath resolves an import path as it appears in a Go
// source file to the package's full path.
func resolveImportPath(path string) (string, error) {}

// readImportFile reads the import file for the given package path and
// returns its types.Pkg representation. If packages is non-nil, the
// types2.Package representation is also returned.
func readImportFile(path string, target *ir.Package, env *types2.Context, packages map[string]*types2.Package) (pkg1 *types.Pkg, pkg2 *types2.Package, err error) {}

// findExportData returns a *bio.Reader positioned at the start of the
// binary export data section, and a file offset for where to stop
// reading.
func findExportData(f *os.File) (r *bio.Reader, end int64, err error) {}

// addFingerprint reads the linker fingerprint included at the end of
// the exportdata.
func addFingerprint(path string, f *os.File, end int64) error {}

func checkImportPath(path string, allowSpace bool) error {}