
func LoadPackage(filenames []string) {}

// trimFilename returns the "trimmed" filename of b, which is the
// absolute filename after applying -trimpath processing. This
// filename form is suitable for use in object files and export data.
// If b's filename has already been trimmed (i.e., because it was read
// in from an imported package's export data), then the filename is
// returned unchanged.
func trimFilename(b *syntax.PosBase) string {}

type noder

type linkname

var unOps

var binOps

// error is called concurrently if files are parsed concurrently.
func (p *noder) error(err error) {}

var allowedStdPragmas

type pragmas

type WasmImport

type WasmExport

type pragmaPos

type pragmaEmbed

func (p *noder) checkUnusedDuringParse(pragma *pragmas) {}

// pragma is called concurrently if files are parsed concurrently.
func (p *noder) pragma(pos syntax.Pos, blankLine bool, text string, old syntax.Pragma) syntax.Pragma {}

// isCgoGeneratedFile reports whether pos is in a file
// generated by cgo, which is to say a file with name
// beginning with "_cgo_". Such files are allowed to
// contain cgo directives, and for security reasons
// (primarily misuse of linker flags), other files are not.
// See golang.org/issue/23672.
// Note that cmd/go ignores files whose names start with underscore,
// so the only _cgo_ files we will see from cmd/go are generated by cgo.
// It's easy to bypass this check by calling the compiler directly;
// we only protect against uses by cmd/go.
func isCgoGeneratedFile(pos syntax.Pos) bool {}

// safeArg reports whether arg is a "safe" command-line argument,
// meaning that when it appears in a command-line, it probably
// doesn't have some special meaning other than its own name.
// This is copied from SafeArg in cmd/go/internal/load/pkg.go.
func safeArg(name string) bool {}

// parseGoEmbed parses the text following "//go:embed" to extract the glob patterns.
// It accepts unquoted space-separated patterns as well as double-quoted and back-quoted Go strings.
// go/build/read.go also processes these strings and contains similar logic.
func parseGoEmbed(args string) ([]string, error) {}

var renameinitgen

func Renameinit() *types.Sym {}

func checkEmbed(decl *syntax.VarDecl, haveEmbed, withinFunc bool) error {}