
type pkgReader

func newPkgReader(pr pkgbits.PkgDecoder) *pkgReader {}

type pkgReaderIndex

func (pri pkgReaderIndex) asReader(k pkgbits.RelocKind, marker pkgbits.SyncMarker) *reader {}

func (pr *pkgReader) newReader(k pkgbits.RelocKind, idx index, marker pkgbits.SyncMarker) *reader {}

type reader

type readerDict

type readerMethodExprInfo

func setType(n ir.Node, typ *types.Type) {}

func setValue(name *ir.Name, val constant.Value) {}

// pos reads a position from the bitstream.
func (r *reader) pos() src.XPos {}

// origPos reads a position from the bitstream, and returns both the
// original raw position and an inlining-adjusted position.
func (r *reader) origPos() (origPos, inlPos src.XPos) {}

func (r *reader) pos0() src.Pos {}

// posBase reads a position base from the bitstream.
func (r *reader) posBase() *src.PosBase {}

// posBaseIdx returns the specified position base, reading it first if
// needed.
func (pr *pkgReader) posBaseIdx(idx index) *src.PosBase {}

// inlPosBase returns the inlining-adjusted src.PosBase corresponding
// to oldBase, which must be a non-inlined position. When not
// inlining, this is just oldBase.
func (r *reader) inlPosBase(oldBase *src.PosBase) *src.PosBase {}

// inlPos returns the inlining-adjusted src.XPos corresponding to
// xpos, which must be a non-inlined position. When not inlining, this
// is just xpos.
func (r *reader) inlPos(xpos src.XPos) src.XPos {}

// pkg reads a package reference from the bitstream.
func (r *reader) pkg() *types.Pkg {}

// pkgIdx returns the specified package from the export data, reading
// it first if needed.
func (pr *pkgReader) pkgIdx(idx index) *types.Pkg {}

// doPkg reads a package definition from the bitstream.
func (r *reader) doPkg() *types.Pkg {}

func (r *reader) typ() *types.Type {}

// typWrapped is like typ, but allows suppressing generation of
// unnecessary wrappers as a compile-time optimization.
func (r *reader) typWrapped(wrapped bool) *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) typInfo() typeInfo {}

// typListIdx returns a list of the specified types, resolving derived
// types within the given dictionary.
func (pr *pkgReader) typListIdx(infos []typeInfo, dict *readerDict) []*types.Type {}

// typIdx returns the specified type. If info specifies a derived
// type, it's resolved within the given dictionary. If wrapped is
// true, then method wrappers will be generated, if appropriate.
func (pr *pkgReader) typIdx(info typeInfo, dict *readerDict, wrapped bool) *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) doTyp() *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) unionType() *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) interfaceType() *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) structType() *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) signature(recv *types.Field) *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) params() []*types.Field {}

func (r *reader) param() *types.Field {}

var objReader

// obj reads an instantiated object reference from the bitstream.
func (r *reader) obj() ir.Node {}

// objInfo reads an instantiated object reference from the bitstream
// and returns the encoded reference to it, without instantiating it.
func (r *reader) objInfo() objInfo {}

// objInstIdx returns the encoded, instantiated object. If shaped is
// true, then the shaped variant of the object is returned instead.
func (pr *pkgReader) objInstIdx(info objInfo, dict *readerDict, shaped bool) ir.Node {}

// objIdx returns the specified object, instantiated with the given
// type arguments, if any.
// If shaped is true, then the shaped variant of the object is returned
// instead.
func (pr *pkgReader) objIdx(idx index, implicits, explicits []*types.Type, shaped bool) ir.Node {}

// objIdxMayFail is equivalent to objIdx, but returns an error rather than
// failing the build if this object requires type arguments and the incorrect
// number of type arguments were passed.
// Other sources of internal failure (such as duplicate definitions) still fail
// the build.
func (pr *pkgReader) objIdxMayFail(idx index, implicits, explicits []*types.Type, shaped bool) (ir.Node, error) {}

func (dict *readerDict) mangle(sym *types.Sym) *types.Sym {}

// shapify returns the shape type for targ.
// If basic is true, then the type argument is used to instantiate a
// type parameter whose constraint is a basic interface.
func shapify(targ *types.Type, basic bool) *types.Type {}

// objDictIdx reads and returns the specified object dictionary.
func (pr *pkgReader) objDictIdx(sym *types.Sym, idx index, implicits, explicits []*types.Type, shaped bool) (*readerDict, error) {}

func (r *reader) typeParamNames() {}

func (r *reader) method(rext *reader) *types.Field {}

func (r *reader) qualifiedIdent() (pkg *types.Pkg, sym *types.Sym) {}

func (r *reader) localIdent() *types.Sym {}

func (r *reader) selector() *types.Sym {}

func (r *reader) hasTypeParams() bool {}

func (dict *readerDict) hasTypeParams() bool {}

func (r *reader) funcExt(name *ir.Name, method *types.Sym) {}

func (r *reader) typeExt(name *ir.Name) {}

func (r *reader) varExt(name *ir.Name) {}

func (r *reader) linkname(name *ir.Name) {}

func (r *reader) pragmaFlag() ir.PragmaFlag {}

var bodyReader

var importBodyReader

// bodyReaderFor returns the pkgReaderIndex for reading fn's
// serialized IR, and whether one was found.
func bodyReaderFor(fn *ir.Func) (pri pkgReaderIndex, ok bool) {}

var todoDicts

var todoBodies

// addBody reads a function body reference from the element bitstream,
// and associates it with fn.
func (r *reader) addBody(fn *ir.Func, method *types.Sym) {}

func (pri pkgReaderIndex) funcBody(fn *ir.Func) {}

// funcBody reads a function body definition from the element
// bitstream, and populates fn with it.
func (r *reader) funcBody(fn *ir.Func) {}

// syntheticBody adds a synthetic body to r.curfn if appropriate, and
// reports whether it did.
func (r *reader) syntheticBody(pos src.XPos) bool {}

// callShaped emits a tail call to r.shapedFn, passing along the
// arguments to the current function.
func (r *reader) callShaped(pos src.XPos) {}

// syntheticArgs returns the recvs and params arguments passed to the
// current function.
func (r *reader) syntheticArgs() ir.Nodes {}

// syntheticTailCall emits a tail call to fn, passing the given
// arguments list.
func (r *reader) syntheticTailCall(pos src.XPos, fn ir.Node, args ir.Nodes) {}

// dictNameOf returns the runtime dictionary corresponding to dict.
func (pr *pkgReader) dictNameOf(dict *readerDict) *ir.Name {}

// typeParamMethodExprsOffset returns the offset of the runtime
// dictionary's type parameter method expressions section, in words.
func (dict *readerDict) typeParamMethodExprsOffset() int {}

// subdictsOffset returns the offset of the runtime dictionary's
// subdictionary section, in words.
func (dict *readerDict) subdictsOffset() int {}

// rtypesOffset returns the offset of the runtime dictionary's rtypes
// section, in words.
func (dict *readerDict) rtypesOffset() int {}

// itabsOffset returns the offset of the runtime dictionary's itabs
// section, in words.
func (dict *readerDict) itabsOffset() int {}

// numWords returns the total number of words that comprise dict's
// runtime dictionary variable.
func (dict *readerDict) numWords() int64 {}

// varType returns the type of dict's runtime dictionary variable.
func (dict *readerDict) varType() *types.Type {}

func (r *reader) declareParams() {}

func (r *reader) addLocal(name *ir.Name) {}

func (r *reader) useLocal() *ir.Name {}

func (r *reader) openScope() {}

func (r *reader) closeScope() {}

// closeAnotherScope is like closeScope, but it reuses the same mark
// position as the last closeScope call. This is useful for "for" and
// "if" statements, as their implicit blocks always end at the same
// position as an explicit block.
func (r *reader) closeAnotherScope() {}

func (r *reader) stmt() ir.Node {}

func block(stmts []ir.Node) ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) stmts() ir.Nodes {}

func (r *reader) stmt1(tag codeStmt, out *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) assignList() ([]*ir.Name, []ir.Node) {}

// assign returns an assignee expression. It also reports whether the
// returned expression is a newly declared variable.
func (r *reader) assign() (ir.Node, bool) {}

func (r *reader) blockStmt() []ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) forStmt(label *types.Sym) ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) ifStmt() ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) selectStmt(label *types.Sym) ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) switchStmt(label *types.Sym) ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) label() *types.Sym {}

func (r *reader) optLabel() *types.Sym {}

// initDefn marks the given names as declared by defn and populates
// its Init field with ODCL nodes. It then reports whether any names
// were so declared, which can be used to initialize defn.Def.
func (r *reader) initDefn(defn ir.InitNode, names []*ir.Name) bool {}

// expr reads and returns a typechecked expression.
func (r *reader) expr() (res ir.Node) {}

// funcInst reads an instantiated function reference, and returns
// three (possibly nil) expressions related to it:
// baseFn is always non-nil: it's either a function of the appropriate
// type already, or it has an extra dictionary parameter as the first
// parameter.
// If dictPtr is non-nil, then it's a dictionary argument that must be
// passed as the first argument to baseFn.
// If wrapperFn is non-nil, then it's either the same as baseFn (if
// dictPtr is nil), or it's semantically equivalent to currying baseFn
// to pass dictPtr. (wrapperFn is nil when dictPtr is an expression
// that needs to be computed dynamically.)
// For callers that are creating a call to the returned function, it's
// best to emit a call to baseFn, and include dictPtr in the arguments
// list as appropriate.
// For callers that want to return the function without invoking it,
// they may return wrapperFn if it's non-nil; but otherwise, they need
// to create their own wrapper.
func (r *reader) funcInst(pos src.XPos) (wrapperFn, baseFn, dictPtr ir.Node) {}

func (pr *pkgReader) objDictName(idx index, implicits, explicits []*types.Type) *ir.Name {}

// curry returns a function literal that calls fun with arg0 and
// (optionally) arg1, accepting additional arguments to the function
// literal as necessary to satisfy fun's signature.
// If nilCheck is true and arg0 is an interface value, then it's
// checked to be non-nil as an initial step at the point of evaluating
// the function literal itself.
func (r *reader) curry(origPos src.XPos, ifaceHack bool, fun ir.Node, arg0, arg1 ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// methodExprWrap returns a function literal that changes method's
// first parameter's type to recv, and uses implicits/deref/addr to
// select the appropriate receiver parameter to pass to method.
func (r *reader) methodExprWrap(origPos src.XPos, recv *types.Type, implicits []int, deref, addr bool, method, dictPtr ir.Node) ir.Node {}

// syntheticClosure constructs a synthetic function literal for
// currying dictionary arguments. origPos is the position used for the
// closure, which must be a non-inlined position. typ is the function
// literal's signature type.
// captures is a list of expressions that need to be evaluated at the
// point of function literal evaluation and captured by the function
// literal. If ifaceHack is true and captures[1] is an interface type,
// it's checked to be non-nil after evaluation.
// addBody is a callback function to populate the function body. The
// list of captured values passed back has the captured variables for
// use within the function literal, corresponding to the expressions
// in captures.
func (r *reader) syntheticClosure(origPos src.XPos, typ *types.Type, ifaceHack bool, captures ir.Nodes, addBody func(pos src.XPos, r *reader, captured []ir.Node)) ir.Node {}

// syntheticSig duplicates and returns the params and results lists
// for sig, but renaming anonymous parameters so they can be assigned
// ir.Names.
func syntheticSig(sig *types.Type) (params, results []*types.Field) {}

func (r *reader) optExpr() ir.Node {}

// methodExpr reads a method expression reference, and returns three
// (possibly nil) expressions related to it:
// baseFn is always non-nil: it's either a function of the appropriate
// type already, or it has an extra dictionary parameter as the second
// parameter (i.e., immediately after the promoted receiver
// parameter).
// If dictPtr is non-nil, then it's a dictionary argument that must be
// passed as the second argument to baseFn.
// If wrapperFn is non-nil, then it's either the same as baseFn (if
// dictPtr is nil), or it's semantically equivalent to currying baseFn
// to pass dictPtr. (wrapperFn is nil when dictPtr is an expression
// that needs to be computed dynamically.)
// For callers that are creating a call to the returned method, it's
// best to emit a call to baseFn, and include dictPtr in the arguments
// list as appropriate.
// For callers that want to return a method expression without
// invoking it, they may return wrapperFn if it's non-nil; but
// otherwise, they need to create their own wrapper.
func (r *reader) methodExpr() (wrapperFn, baseFn, dictPtr ir.Node) {}

// shapedMethodExpr returns the specified method on the given shaped
// type.
func shapedMethodExpr(pos src.XPos, obj *ir.Name, sym *types.Sym) *ir.SelectorExpr {}

func (r *reader) multiExpr() []ir.Node {}

// temp returns a new autotemp of the specified type.
func (r *reader) temp(pos src.XPos, typ *types.Type) *ir.Name {}

// tempCopy declares and returns a new autotemp initialized to the
// value of expr.
func (r *reader) tempCopy(pos src.XPos, expr ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes) *ir.Name {}

func (r *reader) compLit() ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) funcLit() ir.Node {}

// inlClosureFunc constructs a new closure function, but correctly
// handles inlining.
func (r *reader) inlClosureFunc(origPos src.XPos, sig *types.Type, why ir.Op) *ir.Func {}

func (r *reader) exprList() []ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) exprs() []ir.Node {}

// dictWord returns an expression to return the specified
// uintptr-typed word from the dictionary parameter.
func (r *reader) dictWord(pos src.XPos, idx int) ir.Node {}

// rttiWord is like dictWord, but converts it to *byte (the type used
// internally to represent *runtime._type and *runtime.itab).
func (r *reader) rttiWord(pos src.XPos, idx int) ir.Node {}

// rtype reads a type reference from the element bitstream, and
// returns an expression of type *runtime._type representing that
// type.
func (r *reader) rtype(pos src.XPos) ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) rtype0(pos src.XPos) (typ *types.Type, rtype ir.Node) {}

// varDictIndex populates name.DictIndex if name is a derived type.
func (r *reader) varDictIndex(name *ir.Name) {}

// itab returns a (typ, iface) pair of types.
// typRType and ifaceRType are expressions that evaluate to the
// *runtime._type for typ and iface, respectively.
// If typ is a concrete type and iface is a non-empty interface type,
// then itab is an expression that evaluates to the *runtime.itab for
// the pair. Otherwise, itab is nil.
func (r *reader) itab(pos src.XPos) (typ *types.Type, typRType ir.Node, iface *types.Type, ifaceRType ir.Node, itab ir.Node) {}

// convRTTI returns expressions appropriate for populating an
// ir.ConvExpr's TypeWord and SrcRType fields, respectively.
func (r *reader) convRTTI(pos src.XPos) (typeWord, srcRType ir.Node) {}

func (r *reader) exprType() ir.Node {}

func (r *reader) op() ir.Op {}

func (r *reader) pkgInit(self *types.Pkg, target *ir.Package) {}

// pkgInitOrder creates a synthetic init function to handle any
// package-scope initialization statements.
func (r *reader) pkgInitOrder(target *ir.Package) {}

func (r *reader) pkgDecls(target *ir.Package) {}

func (r *reader) pkgObjs(target *ir.Package) []*ir.Name {}

// unifiedHaveInlineBody reports whether we have the function body for
// fn, so we can inline it.
func unifiedHaveInlineBody(fn *ir.Func) bool {}

var inlgen

// unifiedInlineCall implements inline.NewInline by re-reading the function
// body from its Unified IR export data.
func unifiedInlineCall(callerfn *ir.Func, call *ir.CallExpr, fn *ir.Func, inlIndex int) *ir.InlinedCallExpr {}

// inlReturn returns a statement that can substitute for the given
// return statement when inlining.
func (r *reader) inlReturn(ret *ir.ReturnStmt, retvars []*ir.Name) *ir.BlockStmt {}

// expandInline reads in an extra copy of IR to populate
// fn.Inl.Dcl.
func expandInline(fn *ir.Func, pri pkgReaderIndex) {}

// usedLocals returns a set of local variables that are used within body.
func usedLocals(body []ir.Node) ir.NameSet {}

var needWrapperTypes

var haveWrapperTypes

var needMethodValueWrappers

var haveMethodValueWrappers

type methodValueWrapper

// needWrapper records that wrapper methods may be needed at link
// time.
func (r *reader) needWrapper(typ *types.Type) {}

// importedDef reports whether r is reading from an imported and
// non-generic element.
// If a type was found in an imported package, then we can assume that
// package (or one of its transitive dependencies) already generated
// method wrappers for it.
// Exception: If we're instantiating an imported generic type or
// function, we might be instantiating it with type arguments not
// previously seen before.
// TODO(mdempsky): Distinguish when a generic function or type was
// instantiated in an imported package so that we can add types to
// haveWrapperTypes instead.
func (r *reader) importedDef() bool {}

// MakeWrappers constructs all wrapper methods needed for the target
// compilation unit.
func MakeWrappers(target *ir.Package) {}

func wrapType(typ *types.Type, target *ir.Package, seen map[string]*types.Type, needed bool) {}

func methodWrapper(derefs int, tbase *types.Type, method *types.Field, target *ir.Package) {}

func wrapMethodValue(recvType *types.Type, method *types.Field, target *ir.Package, needed bool) {}

func newWrapperFunc(pos src.XPos, sym *types.Sym, wrapper *types.Type, method *types.Field) *ir.Func {}

func finishWrapperFunc(fn *ir.Func, target *ir.Package) {}

// newWrapperType returns a copy of the given signature type, but with
// the receiver parameter type substituted with recvType.
// If recvType is nil, newWrapperType returns a signature
// without a receiver parameter.
func newWrapperType(recvType *types.Type, method *types.Field) *types.Type {}

func addTailCall(pos src.XPos, fn *ir.Func, recv ir.Node, method *types.Field) {}

func setBasePos(pos src.XPos) {}

const dictParamName

// shapeSig returns a copy of fn's signature, except adding a
// dictionary parameter and promoting the receiver parameter (if any)
// to a normal parameter.
// The parameter types.Fields are all copied too, so their Nname
// fields can be initialized for use by the shape function.
func shapeSig(fn *ir.Func, dict *readerDict) *types.Type {}