
// Uint8 writes an unsigned byte v into s at offset off,
// and returns the next unused offset (i.e., off+1).
func Uint8(s *obj.LSym, off int, v uint8) int {}

func Uint16(s *obj.LSym, off int, v uint16) int {}

func Uint32(s *obj.LSym, off int, v uint32) int {}

func Uintptr(s *obj.LSym, off int, v uint64) int {}

// Uvarint writes a varint v into s at offset off,
// and returns the next unused offset.
func Uvarint(s *obj.LSym, off int, v uint64) int {}

func Bool(s *obj.LSym, off int, v bool) int {}

// UintN writes an unsigned integer v of size wid bytes into s at offset off,
// and returns the next unused offset.
func UintN(s *obj.LSym, off int, v uint64, wid int) int {}

func SymPtr(s *obj.LSym, off int, x *obj.LSym, xoff int) int {}

func SymPtrWeak(s *obj.LSym, off int, x *obj.LSym, xoff int) int {}

func SymPtrOff(s *obj.LSym, off int, x *obj.LSym) int {}

func SymPtrWeakOff(s *obj.LSym, off int, x *obj.LSym) int {}

func Global(s *obj.LSym, width int32, flags int16) {}

// BitVec writes the contents of bv into s as sequence of bytes
// in little-endian order, and returns the next unused offset.
func BitVec(s *obj.LSym, off int, bv bitvec.BitVec) int {}